Live and let live - Ch.3

"Good," Amy says twirling her hair in that way she does, I just stand there while Amy talks. I browse the hat racks, but nothing catches my eye; Amy meanwhile is still talking to Justin I her reaching for his hand out of the corner of my eye "Hey,...

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9

Maybe at some other mall. alex clasped her hand tight, shoulders hunched as the four of them headed into the mall. the wolf wore baggy workout clothes meant for helga, saying that she'd look too familiar with the clothes she arrived in.

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Textual Passion.

She smiles, looking to lexius who nods holding her arm in his as they walk into the mall, lexius opening the door for her and following behind to catch up with her.

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Chp. 3) Brother's Haven

"i'd like to roll down to papa g's place eventually, but i was hoping we could go to the mall first, maybe for pretzels." nothing better than doughy mounds of salt-covered bread that the mall cranked out to crowds of addicts.

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Kophis Goes to the Mall

One mall patron down, four thousand-and-something left to go.

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Story ~ Mall Shenanigans

The mall was moderately busy, other dinosaurs having similar ideas of hitting the mall before the skin-in-the-sun seasons were upon them.

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A Quick Bite at the Mall...

A young raccoon's saturday night at the mall is interrupted when he finds himself face to face with a large hungry alligator. i wounder what will happen? adrien loved going to the mall on saturday nights.

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Chapter 2: The Mall

It took all of her remaining willpower to keep her from running out of the mall. "okay, relax. we can go. follow me, slave, and don't get lost."

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Getting Dirty At The Mall

I was just calmly looking down at my junk while taking a piss in the men's bathroom at the mall, splaying my taloned raptor toes on the slimy, wet, nasty tile floor at my feet, a noticeable puddle of god knows how many other male's urine sloshing around my

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The Mall Santa Mystery

Dejected, they went off to the mall's one sit-down restaurant for lunch.

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A Walk Through the Mall

The mall. the wolf took him to the mall. no, he would not go in there naked, nope, never, nah uh, he tried to resist, but he heard the wolf say he needed to be punished. great... more sheath smelling.

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