Grad-Bash Part 10

And when i mean everything, i'm not being a melodramatic fag. i told her about the cheating she already knew about, the way i felt at parties or dinner when he left me, on the bus when he wouldn't even sit with me, and, finally, about the woods.

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The Outlander 2 19

The infant mouse then started wailing in his melodramatic death throes before lying down on the grass. caps then addressed the audience, "i 'ave deaded the demon shee-oo. now i take lady tishino back to the eastern mountain to live with me forever."

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A Locker Room Encounter (Prequel to 'Breaking Curfew')

Jake bowed melodramatically. "i am your servant." nate's grin widened and jake could see the gears turning in his mind. "my servant, hmm? well, my servant shouldn't be dressed like that." he clapped his paws together. "strip for my amusement."

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The Grand Tour, Part 2

The rabbit at her side, who was only known as muffin, gasped in melodramatic hurt shock. doggie looked back up at his owner, seeing how disappointed he was.

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The Spider and The Fox

The transition wasn't nearly as melodramatic as it always was in the movies.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.3 Bannihar

Elesin rolled her yes, "that's being just a little melodramatic, don't you think?"

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Bucksplat Sharpshooters

The hare gave a melodramatic sigh and hunched back with affected fatigue. then with a burst of speed and agility he sprung back, turning a quick tumble through the air and landed on his rump, hand around his 'pistol' and fired off his third load.

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Hide & Squeak

Careeth sighed melodramatically and reached down, long arms wrapping around the little dragon and lifting him up, snuggling him to her ample bosom as she leaned in to nuzzle a soft, playful kiss to his snout.

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Awakening on the wrong side of the bed

When she spoke, her tone was melodramatic, "what right do you think you have to live, when you have caused so much pain the little ones in your care. what makes you think you were a good and decent father to them.

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Blacksmiths pilot

"trying to be melodramatic joania!" joania's ears twitched and swiveled to turn outside her nose twitching as she sniffed. "well they weren't entirely lying, there is a demon here. i'd place it at class d though."

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Commish: Fabulous Furlesque! The Great Jewel Robbery

Her footsteps dainty but busy in to-die-for shoes, she picked up her handbag, melodramatically dug around in it and found the flower venus had been generous enough to give her.

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Written letters

'i still remember the way you would get me into trouble, you know how much i hate to be the melodramatic writer, but you showed me how to live.' "are you sure this is a good idea?"

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