Return to Form

And so he did, his entire body erupted into pure muscularity. muscles on muscles, all-encompassing entire mountains in size, continued to pile even more under his stretched up fur.

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Dad Camp Roster Update

Bear | 5'9" | 10" | camp chef | howler | | \* | harper | dingo | 49 | muscular | 5'8" | 8" | camp counselor | howler | | | ennis | rhinoceros | 38 | muscle bear | 7'4" | 20" | camp counselor | monster | | | prince | panther | 42 | athletic | 5'10" | 8" |

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Muscle Theft on Muscle Beach

The tension in his body that he wasn't aware he was holding suddenly evaporated, leaving his muscles feeling if not strong but actually existing.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 21

And i shall call you strong soul, for that is the name you prefer.\> \ strong soul said. \ \ strong soul answered. \

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Adestrian Anatomy, Accessories, an Attire

These secondary muscles would connect to the abdominal muscles just beneath the primary pectoral muscle.

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How to Ruin a Gym

There was just muscle. monstrous, grotesquely immense muscles. that was still growing. "well?" procyon said.

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The Demon and the Tiger - 3

Bellowed brock, his eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets as insane amounts of sheer muscle erupted from every inch of his muscular body, his seemingly unending climax tripling in strength as brock roared and howled.

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[COM] Mutated Ascension

His body was beyond being an immense blob of muscle; he was a god of mass and muscle, a brutish display of incredibly extreme, hyper strength as each muscle bulge with a power of million multiverses, his incredibly dense muscles was thicker than anything mortals

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FREAKER - 7 (Final)

He was turning into a hulking, muscular stallion. his features were growing rugged, his muscles brutally strong, and a sheer beast of a horse if the world ever saw one.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 29

_i'm strong... i'm strong... please, mother, i'm strong... you can stop crying now, please... i'm strong..._ it didn't help. the tears still came, and she didn't feel strong at all.

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