Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Exploring and Catching

The next trainer was a roughneck who challenged me with a raticate and i sent out my machoke having him use vital throw knocking raticate out.

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Chapter Fourteen - One Less Problem

The raticate need more room to enter their burrows so there will be really large holes."

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Kay flew in front of the raticate and delivered a wing attack to it's jaw. the raticate fell to the ground. behind kay, mark already intercepted the man and stood in front of him. "return the meowth to the girl!" ordered mark and the man laughed.

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Pidgeot Vore

She ignored it, as it only helped the pidgeot faint those annoying raticates much faster. it was when the pidgeot began physically destroying the fainted pokèmon into a pulp that the trainer became truly suspicious. "is everything alright, pidgeot?"

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Doodle story: Up A Different Road (Scat Edition)

He had all sorts of choices: the skuntank over there, the raticate down there, the chubby zangoose over there...hmm...so many options.

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Love of All Kinds Ch.2-Getting More Love

Moonlight's just recently been with a raticate. he's still around, so we should be expecting some eggs around soon. as for unhatched eggs, it's been warm recently so every one of them has hatched." "that's good to hear.

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The adventures of 5-year-old Fievel in a Pokemon World

Sparkers came out, as vince called out raticate. i'm not always good with explaining battles, lets just say, raichu beat raticate with some ease. "our battle was short, but it was good." "yeah, i'll be glad to beat you again vince."

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Pokemon Fanfic (Untitled) Prologue

Walking out there looking almost like a drowned raticate was an eevee. it seemed unaware of the rain, crying out its name over and over and its front right leg didn't seem to be able to hold it up as it put its weight down on it.

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Enslavement - Chapter 1 - The Visitors

"ohhhh a raticate? you just might have to bring me along. never mated one of them." vulpix gave a little look happy growl. "oh of course. i have been greedy hogging him to myself." the purple mouse giggled back.

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Why The Good Always Suffer 2/3

There was what appeared to be an overgrown raticate that looked bipedal near them. "okay, that raticate is on drugs." seje quietly commented as he looked at them.

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Happy Amphy Christmas

Says raticate. suddenly, brais destroys the exit where they fled and brais grabbed raticate's tail. "where are you going? your you come with me" says brais opening his mouth. "no!


The Red-Ringed Umbreon part 2

It wasn't a scar, it was a burn mark. }- - - - -{flashback}- - - - -{ michael was leaning over a dead raticate, with a soldering iron, "and this is what you've been doing all day?"

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