Raven’s Reprise

The sheer amount of cum filling the raven's womb made her stomach bloat grotesquely, the raven appearing as if she was several months pregnant even though she could never fall pregnant in her 'condition'.

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Ravenous Rain

Standing in the ravenous rain, a smile swept across leavold's reptilian visage.

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Much more so than any ordinary raven, for certain. he wasn't exactly normal or mortal.

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The Demon and the Raven

He worked the shaft harder, faster, and the demon continued to grunt and groan, tensing up and clenching everywhere to try and slow the raven's efforts.

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Burning City Chapter 1

Thankfully, the ax the raven slung over his shoulder would help him with any unexpected problems he might face. his ax was a smaller ax, meant for the ravens of the village.

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The Lecture

There was no movement from the audience, so the young raven cleared his throat and began to explain, "the general data protection regulation.

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Draven's Story: Memory 1

In fact, the raven took it upon himself to make sure other people were paying attention like he was. any sort of inattentiveness would be disrespectful.

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The Lightnings: Unity Falls

"here's one..." the raven said stepping off the side of the building and gliding quietly down to the alleyway below, unnoticed by the wild pig whose head was buried deep within another bin. "quite the downgrade, if you ask me?"

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Falling Into Shadow

'no' the wolf's mind screamed and she rushed back up the pass that went ever upward, all the while the shadow of a raven on her back and a cackling laugh of a raven on the wind followed her.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 6 - The In-Betweener

Mark lay there, waiting for Daniel to either leave or fall asleep, the latter happening first. He slowly got up and got dressed. He stood by the window, looking out onto the city, hoping to be able to find something to distract him from his world,...

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