Psalm of the Wasteland

Human and humanimal alike where hunted and eaten by the dead with some humans becoming infected with yet another virus that would first kill and then reanimate the victim as a member of the walking dead.

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what am I ?

She said you are not like the other halfers the others have different breath powers like fire breathing and having the power to freeze there enemas but you have more then one power like the power of reanimation of corpses of the falling and bend then to your


DragonZ Chapter 19

The only way out was suicide but, when he tried that, it reanimated his body and brought him back to life. this thing inside him was more powerful than death...

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Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs

Years later, scientist reanimate her and bring her back and using xenomorph dna to create her as experiment 8. all this proved useless.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 4

The giovanni stole the cappadocians secrets of necromancy, using its power to reanimate the dead into servants of the clan. the giovanni's true ambition is to find a way to enter the land of the dead and rule as gods in the afterlife.


The Phoenix Spell and the Snuff Slut Queen Chapter 3

Passing out from exertion, not realizing that she had reanimated before he was done cumming, filling her now living womb with his seed. * * * an: uh oh, yes i'm going there. eventually, there will be a plot but when i don't know.

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Island of iron

Aim for the head, and remember what all zombie games tell you: twice in the head, and they stay dead" (one time i was playing fallout, and a bos knight said that, and then got killed by a reanimated ghoul he just killed.)

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 8: Getting to Know You

It wasn't true reanimation and it was nowhere near close to resurrection, but it worked for everything he required of it. some of his critics told him he was crazy but drc saw things differently; they saw things... his way.

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Grove Fan-Story: The Veteran’s Desperate Fight

He grunted as he felt his cock stir behind his loincloth, not a sensation he'd been expecting, but neither was being attacked by reanimated bandages in the first place.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 10

My body's composition of deceased reanimations might have given me the ability to regenerate quickly, but my micro-organic cells are decomposing slowly. it must been a fail-safe as a precaution of me going against my intended usage.

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The Beginning

The virus, called the z-plague(3), infected its host and destroyed it, reanimating the corpse into what was called a zombie.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 14

She still didn't know if they would come face-to-face with the reanimated corpse of the akaviri general, or would find a pile of worthless bones. nusha stepped forward and opened the door.

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