New Beginnings 2 [Scrapped]

And this is where I started to get carried away and lost direction of where this little tale was going. This is the rough draft full of mistakes, errors, and marks. Anywho, give me your opinons of what you see (both the good and bad), it would really...

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New Beginnings 1 [Scrapped]

This is the first story I tried to write about a kid going off to college and he's scared about making the change in his life for many reasons (he's also a closet case). It was suppose to follow him throughout his college years and the new people and...


[Scraps] A Bitter End (Flamechild)

#2 of scraps yes: i know i stated in flamechild (series) that it is possible to learn a new element, i just wanted to try something a bit new. this is a "fictional" account of my story. this one is a little dark, to be perfectly honest.

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Scrap: Plasma and Pickup Lines

#1 of scraps! short and sweet. two sangheili hook up just after the great schism. contains some m/m, 1013 words. hi, guys!

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Sorrowed Past- [Prologue] (Scrapped)

so i haven't touched this in months and am probably not going to... sorry anyone who was looking weekly or at all.. i lost my touch on doing well... anything **[PROLOGUE****]** The shadow of Tilrith, it covered the town in darkness, killed...

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The Victoria Chronicles - 10, A Load of Scrap

She then started attaching some of the parts she had scrounged from the various hills of scrap and cars in the yard.

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Kid Icarus Scrapped Chapter 1

The forests of Angel Land are said to be areas of peace. Well, perhaps to the many woodland creatures that thrive there under the protection of the Forces of Nature. Humans on the other hand have learned to keep their distance from the woods out of...

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[Scrap] Curse Foxes: The Vulpemorph Affliction

(Introduction Encounter) During your journey in your new environment, you stumble upon what at first appears to be a ragged set of clothing and a brown leather cloak, lain discarded on the ground. You go to investigate, but on closer inspection, spy a...

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Unto The Breach! (Concept- Will be scrapped later)

**Title:** Unto the Breach! **Characters:** Brigand- Young adult from the village of Marlton. Adventerous, brave, and loyal to justice. Brigand is not afraid of a fight, thinks quickly on his feet and enjoys exploring and treasure hunting. Charlie-...

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The Calm Before The Storm Scrapped Interlude

Hearing the sound of Lego bricks being put together, with only a few seconds between individual clicks and clacks, Hilda could only wonder what her young nephew was building as she passed by his bedroom. A good eleven years had passed since her and...

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Facing the Real World 2: Maturing. (Scrapped)

I've decided to scrap this, it's terrible.

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