Appointed for Public Service
And he passed on knowing that the next turian in line received a goodbye fuck.
Change of Perspective Page 3
"but not all geth are same just like how not every turian is not the same. i heard it was a turian that led the attack on the citadel, does that make all turians bad now?" "where did you hear that?"
Mounting Debt 4: Under the Blue Suns
There were too many inconsistencies with normal turian genitalia for him to overlook in addition to the difference in size, and there had never been a turian that he had heard of that could break his victims through sex in this way.
Midline Shift 21 - Archangel
Outside was one of the blue suns, a turian staying out of range from the drug dealer's area. "i heard him scream," said the turian, "the fuck you do to him?"
Family Tradition VI: Omegan Orgy
As the turian's tunnel tightened even further around his member wrex reached his orgasm and shot his juice deep into grizz's body. soon turian and krogan cum was everywhere. "and that ritual's gonna make my balls big?"
Always Be There Chapter 5
And damn it, the turian walking beside her looked fantastic right now.
Midline Shift 10 - Creative Differences
But areh's mako wasn't as damaged as the turian chasing them, or at least what they assumed was a turian.
Always Be There Chapter 1
But seeing one turian pulled down before her eyes changed everything in an instant.
Freelancers, Chapter Five
The other turian snapped. "forward." chula resumed walking. quint and dakka rushed through the door. the geth followed, darting to the right and covering the other three. both turians lunged at chula.
Midline Shift 12 - Live at the T'Kina Estate
Some human religion that turians really got into, i dunno, s'all bullshit to me."
Midline Shift 22 - The Rise And Fall of Fin Torvan
Roared the biotic turian.
Mass Effect: Turian Troubles
How far she's had to masquerading as a krogen, a salarian, even another turian.