Iron Dragon Chapters 133-134

"is there any reason they do not like velopians?" jenny asked. she could not think of a reason anyone would dislike them. "a few actually. one being our timid nature and dislike of fighting." sephya said softly.

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Iron Dragon Chapter 189

"the ship will make a run out to mars at full speed, then jump to a velopian ship facility near an asteroid belt." "are there going to be velopians on board as well?" nodrog asked.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 145-146

I was not sure how things would go when i brought the velopians here for the first time. i am glad to have made a positive impact for once." "speaking of positive, after several months of use.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 96-97

"i do not suppose you are familiar with velopian?" "no, earthen languages are all i know aside from my native ones." nodrog said. "no matter. they have a similar illness that effects their own blood.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 119-120

"actually it does if you attacked the velopians." sherman said. her presence was a little like nodrog's quad winged form, but not nearly as over whelming. he heard commotion over by the rv samantha and... jenny were staying at.

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Iron Dragon Chapter 188

Most people had shifted focus to the race on the velopian world which was only two months away. the vipers sat silently in their den waiting for the trip to another world.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 139-140

Filling in the crater from the velopian explosives. hopefully entombing the body of the fallen dragon forever. however... as nodrog knew oh so well, forever is not very long. they found him, despite his sentence.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 187

Though he would agree with many that the amazons and velopians were stunningly beautiful. "home sweet home. well at least for me."

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Iron Dragon Chapters 173-174

While not late, most of the humans and velopians would be asleep. so he was a little surprised to get a text message from cirrus. nodrog found the air elemental out on the patio he had.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 179 and 180

Winston was a big fan of the velopians, because while they did like to drink, they were never rowdy. they were also big tippers as far as he had seen. always treating the few wait staff politely even when an order was wrong.

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