
More tea vicar? to jude and team.' she would have it framed for the wall.

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Bentley's Peace: III

Bentley and wilberforce, waiting for lady ffox to finish her conversation with the vicar, stood stamping and shivering outside the church. the one-armed veteran was in his usual spot, huddled in an ulster.

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Taurine's Night Shift - Chapter 1

vicar? damn this smoke!)_recoiled once, eyes showing white, but he nodded. he knew when he was outranked as well as outgunned. "y-yes, chief," he stammered, almost bowing in his effort to show respect.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 12)

Ooh, i've got to dash, i've just seen the vicar coming down the drive.'

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House of the RubberMaids

"care for more tea, vicar?" kari said in a very bad english accent. she laughed at herself and then struck a more sultry pose as she put her lips out in a sexy pout. "it's time for your bath, _maîtriser_ ." she said in her most bimbo-ish french accent.

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Anchors Aweigh

S'pose 'e could arsk the vicar t' read it t' 'im...i doubt 'e'd wanna 'ear from me, anyhow." the otter paused, reading his captain's face. this gave the captain time to admire his cabin boy.

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Warm Sun has Bleached me Blond

His voice was soft, easy, like a vicar speaking to a member of the flock who had come to him with a concern. it was obvious from his words that he expected johnathan to bare his soul to him.

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Louisiana Dawn

I said jogging past the vicar and out the door, with just managing to hear the begging of him to address him properly. laurence avenue was a short ten minute walk from the chapel just a fair few blocks along.

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Collar 15 -- Answers

The nurse who had been assigned to a week's live-in duty was grateful to let me have the hour's worth of earful, just to give her a break this, too, is what vicars are for, and i let it slide off me.

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Collar 12 -- Pax Vo Biscum

I had earned a master of divinity degree in order to become a vicar, but i often wondered why so much of the degree focused on the needs of the liturgical rather than the personal, or even the genuinely spiritual.

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Collar 10 -- Glory

"he might be in the annex, vicar. he's taken to 'shooting hoops' sometimes, as the yowens call it." "he's all right?" i asked, my voice betraying far too much worry. "he's been fine. he's starting to trust being outside again.

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