Louisiana Dawn

That's it, the games on, the city lit up with piecing blindness, every cctv camera beamed at me. i could feel the city's beat pulsating through me, synchronising with my heart, everything just flowed into a euphoric high.

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FNAF:The Investigation

Night after the 7th night the security officer mike schmidt got fired for tampering with the anamatronics, and it's a new security officers first night[cliche i know]. but as the night progresses the guard is captured by the anamatronics,we then switch to a cctv

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Fallen Angels, Part five - Night is the time for Killing

Quinn and i spent the morning going through the hospital journals and cctv recordings to track the last day in dr. gill's life. he met in at 8:30, and the cctv showed him making a phone call shortly after. "can you trace that call?" i asked.

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Cry Me a Murder (part eight): Mother Knows Beast

If the power had been up when tejon was murdered, maybe the kitchen cctv had recorded it - the only cctv in the building fernando hadn't shorted with his amateur electronics.

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Homer Meets Kaa

Lisa asked "no i haven't" said the man "well could you look on your cctv cameras if they caught him going somewhere?" "of course let me bring them up on my computer." the man asked "when was the last time you saw him?"

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Tinker, tailor, soldier, demon - Part four of "Cry me a Murder"

Fernando went back to installing the cctv. "there!" he said finally. "that's one down. smile for the camera." i looked into the brown eye if the cctv.

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Cry Me a Murder (part five): Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Demon

Fernando went back to installing his cctv. "there!" he said finally. "that's one down. smile for the camera." i looked into the brown eye if the cctv.

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Area 84

_ **helena:** the diary entry's stopped after that it was all that i could get from the remains of the base apart from the footage on the cctv tapes with the audio completely removed from the footage.

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Whoops! I cut your dick off.

The one battered cctv camera looked as if it did not work, yet both anthros eyed it with suspicion, although for different reasons. the door banged shut, and locked with ease.

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Midnight Werefox Call

"got cctv yet?" snow asks as she pulls round the corner and gets up to speed. "nothing yet, it's an old system. i'll have it in a minute or so." f replies. "so it's only a report of a sighting. no incident?." "correct."

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The Lightnings: Unity Falls

Avelyn had moved from the reception office to the other, finding the cctv system tucked away on a comms rack whirring away. "how far are you downloading the cctv?" she asked as she turned to the desk and drawers for more clues.

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Scenes We'd Like To See - Original Ending

In the 1990s, cctv cameras had featured heavily on all the cop chase shows and the tv companies were quick to use the new laws to expand the format.

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