Ditch or Hitch Version 1.02 + Older Games

The types of hitchhikers are anthropomorphic bee, anthropomorphic binturong, anthropomorphic crow, anthropomorphic gorilla, anthropomorphic horse, anthropomorphic kangaroo, kobold, naga, anthropomorphic squirrel, and werewolf.

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Equine Adjustments

Tamara looked up, to where a large anthropomorphic horse-woman stood over her desk. she was about 8 feet tall, with a mane tied up into a thick white (ironically fitting) ponytail.

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Demon fox herd stallion

Rayne demands, starring at the anthro-stallion wickedly, obviously expecting one answer. "i ... i ... don't ... would never." roan answers softly, but with a sneer on his soft mobile equine lips.

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RotH – Chapter 1: The leader of the herd

Disclaimer: this story is about anthro horses in a different dimension and world. the story follows the summer trip of young anthro horses and their adventures.

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To Be A Cowgirl

The anthro horse looked down at her, the horse's short dark tail flickering left and right. "oh. yeah."

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Samantha's Third Chance Prologue

The tubrolift door behind him opens to reveal an anthro horse with red fur, orange mane and tail, and a yellow starfleet delta on his forehead. "hey dad." the horse says. "what are you up to?" the admiral looks back and smiles.

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New Character: Jenny Ricks

Her favorite past time is to groom some of the prized feral stallions and help anthro stallions wash those hard to reach places. if not her eyes and smile were enough, her body had blossomed into that of woman a few years ahead of her age.

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The Club (Part One)

The anthro horse glared at frysco once he arrived. "where's your letter?" he asked firmly. frysco could tell the anthro horse was stronger than almost any human was.

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Stable Family

Thor himself seemed well-used to this treatment; he was standing calmly, allowing the anthro horses to pleasure him. occasionally, he would whinny, or shake his head.

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Harem Harlot, Part 5

Her clit pulsed, her lips dripped languidly, her belly squirmed and jostled, and her legs parted, thick thighs squelching slightly, juices stringing between them as the anthro stallion sought to amplify his mistress' pleasures tenfold.

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Job Seminar (Bonus)

Jacob admitted morosely, pointing to the anthropomorphic horse by the bar.

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