QCP: NS-02 Champions of Myth

"...and don't you dare mark me as an anti-hero, either. or else you get to be my dinner - tonight. you have to leave these offices - sooner or later. and i'll be waiting."

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Floyd sinclair was another of the show's reappearing cast, a sort of anti-hero who sometimes worked with the trio and sometimes against them.

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Psychopathic Cyber Clowns

Yes, they make monsters but the monsters made by both companies turn out to be heroes like kodyax more than anti-heroes like poison arrow.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 7: Oroborus

"malefor didn't view himself as a villain, more like an anti-hero who had to do bad things to achieve a greater goal. i can only assume in his mind he felt he would make a better nurturer of the world if he was the one to bring it all back together."

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Ascending in Reverse (book7, Chapter3)

Plus i like the anti-hero theme. stealing stuff in the air of robin hood." "i should have never told you that he did those kinds of things for a living. it subconsciously manifested itself in your work." "mom, you're a newspaper editor.

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complicated matters.

Evan grimaced and replied "it's not my vigilante anti-hero activities or jobs for that matter, it's just i have plenty of personal problems but yeah maintaining my job and those activities is harsh.

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Loom of passion (Clean version)

He seemed somewhat heroic, like a hero and anti-hero from an epic novel at the same time, and that was what drove monique's fantasy driven daydreams of romance and love.

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Shetland and Raven

I am glad that raven isn't a psychopath, but you might say he's more like an anti-hero." the same moment, an alleyway in town. raven walked down the street feeling great looking at the night sky enjoying himself.

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Loom of passion (Rated R version)

He seemed somewhat heroic, like a hero and anti-hero from an epic novel at the same time, and that was what drove monique's fantasy driven daydreams of romance and love.

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Chapter 9: Marcus

"he is the smarmiest and most cliché anti-hero-wannabe that i have ever met." "please, for me ... for my sanity ... if something ever happened to me, please don't _ever_ date panther." "you really don't like him, do you?"

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Filburt's Postmodern Wife

, on the background radio, the closing lyrical paragraph of alternate-universe radiohead's two-years-earlier-released paranoid android was very fittingly playing just to even further emphasize the absolute horror of what was happening around our...ahem...anti-heroes

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Episode 5: The Dragon Rage SAGA: Part 2 of 4: Descending Flame

Stop thinking that just because you are my opposite that you must be the anti-hero to my hero. you don't have to be like that at all. the dragon of chaos is just a title you were given. it in no way defines who you are, brother.

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