Tangles - chapter1: Wait, Who are You Again?

Said a dark-green male lizard and midnight-black female panther. "hey guys, what's up." eric said as he slipped his arms through the backpack loops and stood up to join them.

A World Above and Below: Chapter 3: Can't make an Omelette without a little Agony

Elsewhere, a female panther in a green coat pouted as she watched the fight of agony and freziara, having recorded it earlier as she watched the small wolfess and the sapphire dragon parry their weapons as sparks flew, sighing as watched the recording.

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My wife's brother

From the driver's door descended a tall male wolf with black fur, from the passenger seat emerged a delicate female panther, from the rear doors descended a male fox and a female wolf of the same color as the driver. "we're here!"

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Breaking in Modruk: My reasons

The troll grinned, he didn't seem as interested in that fact, still openly leering at the female panther. "really now, mon?" zach chuckled. "yea, the one you specifically asked for."

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Tying up loose ends

"jeremy i will make you regret the fact that you played that," eric laughed as he put down the queen of spades, the female panther which appeared on the card posing in a rather seductive manner. "oh you little sonofabitch!

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Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 7 The Discovery and what a twist!

"what a cute catch," giggled a girl panther called sierra walking up to the orca. "is he still available?" "sorry ladies," ryan replied. "he's gay and so am i." "we're together forever."

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Chapter One: Quickening

Above them stood ennica mykai, a female panther a year older that both of them.

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The Way Things Work

With a friendly pat on the shoulder, the female panther left lance standing on the observation deck, trying to wrap his head around the concept of how the great fox's

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Brothers: Chapter Five, He Ain't Heavy.

He was met with the sight of a lean female panther standing over him, her dark red hair falling past her shoulders and a sly smile on her face. "oh fuck." jurek hissed sharply between his teeth. "i mean, hey cody. how much of that did you hear?"

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Three Perspectives pt 4 Sleep on It

Along the way to the gym gerome gathered with sasha, a firey and energetic female panther.

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Cost of Love 1: Undesirale Leave

The one that he was going to work on was a romance novel about a female panther trying to find love in a city of canines. it was the only straight story he had ever written and besides darla kept bugging him to finish it.

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Lost Dark

One was a female panther with golden fur. she wore a sort of primitive battle suit and armour of grey colour. she had a judgemental look on her face. the other was a much taller figure with a strange build; the creature in front of him lacked all fur.

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