Ch. 22 Halloween Special 9/9 Halloween Birthday Potty

"Okay, umm hmm yess okay I get it well just show up when you can its gonna go on for a while alright okay bye, bye" aleck said hanging up the phone and stretching. He got up and padded into the kitchen where a lot of his friends were busy putting...

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Ch. 21 Halloween Special 8/9 Trick or (Tr)eating

"Trick or treat" came the happy cries of cubs racing up and down the streets. Ghost and goblins ran rampant on the sidewalk with super heroes and knights and fairy princesses. Cubs of all ages and sizes where running from house to house knocking on...

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Ch. 14 Halloween special 1/9 Fall Flush

"Ughh remind me why I let you talk me into a camping trip again?" aleck whined as he and mark trudged through the woods along a worn path covered in fresh fallen leaves. "Because woofy you love me you also love my ass and I promised to be naked so you...

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Ch. 12 Merry Flushmas

Flush a Fuck Ch. 12 Merry Flushmas "Okay Aleck you are good to go up there" Mark called as he wiped his paws and shut one of the upgrade lockers on the base of the flushmaster in Aleck's basement. He let his ears perk a little as he...

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Ch.15 Halloween Special 2/9 Monster Flush

Lee sighed contentedly as he lay next to Aleck. The pair had been waiting patiently all day for Kitsu to show up and in the end the boredom had taken its toll and they had found themselves in the big wolf's bed. Now they were lounging in the afterglow...

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That's What Brothers Are For; First Time...

That's what Brothers are for... CHAPTER TWO: First Time... Corey opened his eyes; the basement bedroom was almost in complete darkness; he lay in his makeshift bed in the middle of the room, coming to the conclusion that the events he shared with...

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Ch. 7 Solstice Swirl

Down the Pipes Ch. 7 Solstice Swirl "Ooph" was the exclamation as a reddish orange ball of fur tackled into a grey wolf and a black furred dragon who were lounging on a couch. The fox snuggled into his friends...

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Ch. 3 Taking the Plunge

Flush a Fuck Ch. 3 Taking the Plunge Aleck sighed to himself and stirred the coffee in front of him again before taking a sip. It was a good blend and a refreshing way to settle down before a majorly stressful situation. His...

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Ch. 24 Flushmas Eve

Flush a Fuck Ch. 24 Flushmas Eve Aleck finished tying up a ribbon and then stepped down off the ladder and grinned happily. He had spent the whole day decorating and cooking for this party which had become somewhat of an annual tradition for...

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Camping Trip

"Camping, camping! We get to go camping!" Three excited and hyper cubs rejoiced as they rode in a van, on their way to a camping spot. The fennec fox, the tiger, and the red panda were almost bouncing off their car seats with giddyness. It was the...

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Vulpine Confession #14: "Tina evens the scores..."

A Very Naughty Vixen and a couple of creepy bastards present Vulpine Confession #14: Tina evens the scores... **_My wife Tina is a truly gorgeous red fox vixen in her early twenties, but she is also incredibly shy for a vixen. Until a couple of weeks...

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Kids These Days

You realize you're old when your kid asks you sex questions, and you actually stop to wonder where he heard the term. You know, with a whole internet at their fingertips? Get with the program, Dad, right? That's what Beckett does, in that forty-five...

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