(Intro) The Nokken's Fiddle

Consequently, magic and mere superstition used to be one and the same for the ignorant masses, making it impossible to tell fake stories from actual ones.

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Another Night

Tonight it was all one and the same. tarin needed this. the relief. the release. the comfort and affection of knowing how much riddle cared for him. and riddle in turn was happy, eager even to give it. "a-ah..."

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 28

and the same but never the same because _different_ always _different_ _ander_ screaming in the firelight shadows in the dark light _ander_ words and curses and pain flying through the air hatred and teeth and claws wolves staring their faces like

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Distractions in the Kitchen

Two, one and the same as seconds ticked past lost in the sight of the other. finally, eager once more to feel the spark of excitement from his kiss, the yellow-furred pup pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and brought her mouth to his.

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Sunrise, part 3: Connection

Ryn wasn't sure whether he was referring to his pleasure or hers - and perhaps for him, they were one and the same - but in any case she could only muster a vague whimper of agreement, her senses as overwhelmed as they were.

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Sharing the Corruption - Shadow Lucario TF

"hehe... it feels so good to be out of that cage~" he chuckled - of course, the human housing him put up no resistance, they were one and the same, after all. "although..."

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 28

and the same but never the same because _different_ always _different_ _ander_ screaming in the firelight shadows in the dark light _ander_ words and curses and pain flying through the air hatred and teeth and claws wolves staring their faces like

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Immortal, Chapter 9 - Maia

"a yoso is bound to its master; their spirits are one and the same. if you are strong it is strong, if you are happy it is happy, if you are afraid it will panic, and if you doubt yourself you both will die," she explained and pulled her bow back.

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Harem Harlot, Part 8

Lucidum's male side would have enjoyed his female side's torment, had they not been one and the same now. she had never been so stretched, so full and gloriously aroused- and yet still so insatiably horny, and now not even in control of her own body!

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 9

Every time lighting struck, he was able to see the mountain right through every gap in the foliage, merged by light and shadow, as if they were one and the same. "are you the one that did this to me? to _us_?" no answer.

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Paying his debts

The main thing about him was he was like a traditional bat, arms and wings being one and the same.

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