Bret Favre Is The Best

Dylan could feel the warmth spread inside his body, whimpering softly as he rode out their shared orgasm. joe pulled his knot out, nearly ripping the fox's ass open; just how dylan liked it.

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To Bear an Egg

His mind wandered back to last night, jerome riding him to their shared climax. berome was brought back to reality when a plate landed in front of him with his sandwich. "ooohhh... thank you."

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A Royal Catastrophe, Finale

Finishing the release of literal years of sexual frustration, melanie pounded hard into her younger sister and leaned over her transformed body, squeezing her full, supple breasts and holding onto them throughout the duration of their shared climax.

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The GreenMount Chronicles Chapter 9 - Want

They held tight, kissing passionately in their embrace as they felt the remains of their shared climax, muscled bodies, wrapped together. at some point they knelt on the floor together, still holding tight.

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Love One, Love All

But still, as they revelled in one another in the wake of their shared climax, the cries continued to ring out. "rella! c-cumming!" from all around the hall, from men and women, from friends, relatives and mere acquaintances. "yes.

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Love One, Love All

But still, as they revelled in one another in the wake of their shared climax, the cries continued to ring out. "rella! c-cumming!" from all around the hall, from men and women, from friends, relatives and mere acquaintances. "yes.

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A Tight Schedule

They clung together, they kissed deeply in the last remnants of their shared orgasmic elation. and then... "oh, shit..."

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The Christmas Particle - Passion at the Speed of Light: Eigenfrequency

Unlike their first union -- which had been a glorious rush towards their shared climax -- their second mating had been a true test for tom's willpower and persistence.


Heightening the Experience

A split-second before they were ready though, an instant before their bodies were set to be overwhelmed and cast into pure rapture by the force of their shared orgasmic bliss, the glow of the charm upon kurt's clitoral piercing faded in an instant.

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While He's Out Of Town

Their muzzles locked together as their shared orgasm peaked. despite his earlier orgasm, his second peak was every bit as strong.

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While He's Out Of Town

Their muzzles locked together as their shared orgasm peaked. despite his earlier orgasm, his second peak was every bit as strong.

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The Scent

And yet, even as their shared orgasm continued and temba's arms gave out beneath him, the pair slumping into an even more intimate heap on the ground, both men could feel their urges persisting.

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