(CH12) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon.                   we rode in silence for about 15 minuets before the pilot spoke up.

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Off Leash Chapter 2

The story of my life: food first, thinking later. if the squirrel did come back, i wanted to talk to him, not eat him. i slunk to the kitchen, trying very hard to ignore the discomfort of my damp fur.

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A Life In College, Afterward Part 1: The Story So Far

(story of my life right there) but i had told her not to be nervous. we took it slow, after a small mishap.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 7

So that's the story of my life," she said. "that's really interesting! i never had anything that cool happen in my life," he said. "oh come on! you had to have something cool happen. y'know?

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(CH13) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon.                 "your mission, provide backup for the seal team while they execute the mission. everyone is hostile, are we clear?" holland asked us.

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(CH7) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon. i was roused by firedrake, who was shaking me slightly. my eyes started to ease open and i could see the truck, and flynn's lifeless body on the side of the road.

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(CH3) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon. firedrake stood about 8 feet tall and 12 feet long, and was the only dragon i had seen that was wingless.

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Wild Rose Country - Introduction

Since in many ways this is the story of my life one would think that it should begin on the day of my birth. however, i will spare you the boredom of the first twenty-six years of my life.

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Bunny Tail, Finale

It was to be the story of my life. i had no idea what i had gotten into this day. it has haunted me ever since. but i'm sure you don't need to know about that. let's just finish by saying this. he helped me to clean up.

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What are friends for?

story of my life, i thought as i brushed the touch-sensitive bezels of my twin monitors; the harsh glare casting my muzzle into shadow giving way to the softer, muted pool of light from my desk lamp.

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(CH16) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i stood in front of one of my best friends grave.

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(CH15) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

This is the story of my life, as a project draco recruet............as a dragon. everything became deathly silent as my eyes began to open only to revile a horrid sight.

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