Icy Winds

Azure's was all white except for some highlights, it was an ultra ball with sharp pointed tips on the blue h on the top, and the ring and activator were the same vibrant blue. finally came izaac's.

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Chapter 14

He completely ignored the issue of her and the ultra ball, and skipped straight to what she said afterward. serena nodded. "it is...yes...and you have it.

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Team Violet 9: Power

I yelled, unclipping the ultra ball from my belt, "use outrage!" the dragon pokémon materialized in front of me, its body glowing with rage and energy.

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The last Jarashkhan

She said in a happy voice "i do....but it is impossible for you to have me in a poke ball, my psychic powers are too strong for the poke ball to hold me, even an ultra ball is far too weak."

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Watcher of Arceus Path of the Immortal Chapter 4

She sees the ultra balls and a grooming kit. _'going to get some more pokemon soon thomas?'_ she looks at him thinking of new friends as radara and juno are older than her so a bit harder to get along with.

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Chapter 13

He went over to his pack and pulled out an ultra ball.

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Team Violet 2: Business

As i finished my omelet i took note of my own pokéballs hanging from my belt beneath my white jacket: an ultra ball containing goodra, a somewhat-recent addition to my party, and a love ball housing arcanine, my partner since my team rocket days.

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[Revised] Armageddon: Prologue - "Crestfallen" (Start Here)

It also had the same abilities as an ultra ball. however, this pokeball was very expensive, but he figured the investment would be worth it... hopefully.

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The Human Species Ch.13 - Mythological Monstrosity Rayquaza

Lucas shouted as he hit lucario repeatedly in the face with an ultra ball, "pokeball, go!" "ouch! hey! stop it, or i'll bite your face off!" lucario shouted, not caring whether the human could understand him or not.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 9 - I Choose You, Gomamon!

This was not a normal pokeball, but an ultra ball: it could catch any pokemon without weakening it, and he had been saving it for just such an occasion. here were three pokemon he wanted, and he didn't want any of them to escape.

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Mega Trainer Chapter 7 (X)

He took off his backpack and pulled out an ultra ball. he tapped it to his chest. in a flash, he was consumed by the red light it emitted. the ball dropped down, with no one to hold it now.

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Poke Paradise: Kaito 2

Kaito: anyway, when jason showed up i was pretty excited but he tried soooo many times to catch me; pokéballs, great balls, ultra balls, he tried them all.

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