"No Fighting In The War Room!" Segment Of My Book "Planes"

Arrows were produced almost in the blink of an eye, no doubt from the weapon smith's use of magic to help heat and shape them. "what's happened here?" conroy asked maller, the now partially rested captain. "i don't know."

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Seekers Tale part 1

#2 of seekers tale disclaimer: this story will have mild violence, gay sex, and use of magic, if any of these things offend you in any way you have been warned. if reading any of this is illegal in your area, well you have been warned again.

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Ragefire (Hueroc/Ellora)

"the first step in the use of magic is to be aware of its energy inside you. i know you thought before that you had no magic, so perhaps you were not trained to sense its power...

Nona: Chapter One: Kit Kat

The use of magic liked witchcraft and wizardry was ban in the city and anywhere else in the country of dwelf, which were canada and the united states of america including hawaii and alaska.

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Reclaiming Her Wizard

Harry lived on the advantage of the same, claiming whatever creatures that he felt belonged to him, and be it through the use of magic, or through financial gain, he almost always got his wish, which contributed to what a sore loser he was.

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Little Star Chapter 4

The flame-colored mare responded, "no, your highness, you didn't, but i felt the massive use of magic, and i know something big has happened, so i came to offer what support i can." "very well.


Here in the mainland, the use of magic is more regulated, but out there, villages are left to fend for themselves and more or less make their own laws.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty One

I curled my lip in disgust, not from the gross, smelly cigar -- though it _was_both of those things -- but because of his casual use of magic. reds like him had no idea how lucky they were to be able to waste their energy like that.

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Changed Fates: Crola - Chapter 1

Sorcery, the manipulation of the world through the use of magic. arcanery, the performance of feats through the ancient language. astrology, the seeking of wisdom from the old spirits. these three schools are the foundations of magic.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter one: Why me?

"i thought the monks of shin kami ryu swear an oath to forgo sorcerous arts and shun the use of magic entirely." "they do." he said, surprised that koji had recognized it. "but when it was discovered that i could use magic . . . i . . .

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destroying a bully 2

He paused and looked at me with another huge smile "and this one is a magic filter that allows me to feel the use of magic, and how it is being used." that one scared me, it meant he knew what i was doing earlier. holy crap.

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The Sin'karri

Two days they were here, mostly without notice of the locals, and they still found nothing, no signs of the use of magic, not even a conjuring spell.

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