Chapter 4: Trouble in the North

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Arc Three: The Overlords Chapter 4: Trouble in the North -January 20th, 2011, Evening, Brent Tetherson's Residence-             The day after Kumori's attempted assassination of Volcan, Vinge and Tsume called the rest of the...

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Voyages of the Mara Arc 2: Edge of the Law Chapter 3: Casualties Argo II. One of the newest discovered planets claimed by the Confederacy, was a world equally divided between ocean and a Pangea continent. From orbit, the planet nearly resembled a...

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Biography of Akechi Akio

Akechi Akio Other Alias: Bunker Occupation: Information Broker, Evidence Analyst, Inventor Nationality: Japanese Home: Tokyo, Japan Age: 30 Gender: Male Height: 5'4 Weight: 151lbs Eyes: Tan Scalp hair: Black Fur: Light brown Appearance: Japanese...

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The Warp (Biography)

The Warp Other Alias: The Ghost of Toronto Secret Identity: Daniel Tonraq Occupation: Superhero, Vigilante, Accountant.    -United Nations Bureau of Superheroes: Currently Unregistered Super Nationality: Canadian, Iroquois descent Home: City of...

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The Gremlin (Biography)

The Gremlin Other alias: None Secret Identity: None Occupation: Supervillain, Vandal Age: Unknown Gender: Male Height: 6'6 (standing straight, otherwise usually stands hunch over at 6'4) Weight: 359lbs Appearance: Large, hairy creature with angular...

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Attack of The Gremlin

-City of Toronto, Midnight, under the Gardiner Expressway near CN Tower-             As the vulpine cocaine dealer counted the money handed to him by the young, twitchy rat standing before him, he smiled in satisfaction when he found that the...

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Escape from Lycanthria

After leaving the others in the woods, Volcan welcomed the chance to stretch his wings again; after spending so many days without them -an alienating feeling at that. It had been quite an unusual experience for him, being turned into a completely...

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Pokemon: QATM Chapter 16

            His journey in Kanto fresh in his mind, Mark Taylor from the Hoenn Region recaps all the things he's seen and the people he has met, battling the mighty trainers Blue, Red's longtime rival, and Lance, the Dragon Master Champion of Kanto....

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First Tragedy

**Voyages of the Mara** Chapter 5: First Tragedy "Come in," Minister Kormin called as he heard the knock; the avian glanced up as door to his office opened, and a black labrador stepped in, carrying a datapad under his arm as he walked in....

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Voyages of the Mara Arc 2: Edge of the Law Chapter 2: Dependence When left alone, desolate and with no alternative but to survive on your own strength, wits and instincts, your survival will depend entirely upon you. What becomes of you may not...

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Team Valiant left Kima's house early that morning. After saying goodbye to the old Marowak, the children and their friend, Sickle -who reminded them that he still owed them a lunch, they gathered around Mewtwo, and in a flash of light, they vanished in...

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Protecting the Orphans

After a long night's rest, Luke and his allies awoke early the next morning, separating into their designated groups and gearing up for their objectives. Luke, along with Volcan and Howler, were waiting just outside the orphanage with Kage and Sickle,...

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