Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

> > the shooter turned his pistol on the ambassador's face. "shut up if you don't want to join him too?"

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Charrming Demeanor

Sylvia's orders was to be what the humans call an ambassador, and that she was to play this part of a ambassador for as long as she can or till new orders are given.

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Teaser - Zootopia: Hors D'oeuvres

Just make sure you ask the ambassador politely, first - oh, and tell him we'll be serving fish soon."

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Signal Received

Seeing that ambassador fisher was looking very confused, li'ren nodded to him. "you are earth's ambassador, jonas fisher, correct? i am very pleased to meet you, ambassador. i would also like to introduce my royal consort, lady sami me'lia.

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A Warm Welcome Party

Over the coming days, we will talk with your various governments through ambassador ramirez and work to open up avenues of communication.

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Tangled Vines - Chapter 1

When the captain and the ambassador stood before the tall, regal woman in the flowing green gown, craig noticed that while ambassador bandera bowed at the waist, captain cho greeted the alien woman with hands on the shoulders.


Future Sanctuary - Chapter 11: Arrivals and Departures

Captain long calls out, "jim, you're not the head of security anymore, you're an ambassador." jim smirks as he backs into the command lift, "sir, i was born to be a guardian, ambassador is just my day job."

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Assassin Party

"thanks, ambassador..." jenny's acknowledgment brought a smile to the ambassador's face. he rose from his chair and delivered a firm pat on jenny's shoulder.

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"yes, ambassador?" the tailor asked, in a singsong voice. "the dress code, where did it come from?" ambassador zaryn asked. "the overlord, of course." the sergal replied. "he makes all the decisions in alabaster."

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Fallout-6: I hate mondays

'you were one of those guys escorting that ambassador. the one who kept looking at me funny.' david said, thinking back. the sergeant nodded.  'yes, that's right.

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My Friend Tenty

"the ambassador is supposed to be meeting with celestia today. they're going to talk about the release of the tentacle ponies that celestia imprisoned after the attack. we probably won't be seeing the ambassador in ponyville."

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Harper's Home

The ambassador eyed him for a moment before baring her teeth in a worrying grin.

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