Through the Horizon: Tangled Webs

Through the Horizon: The Tangled Web Bane sat in his chair in complete disbelief of what he was seeing. Not only was there a picture before him of his dead body in stasis but his best friend had known and kept the secret from him! A mixture of sorrow,...

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Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 2

Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 2 Talon sat at his desk in his imperial office. As head of the dragon empire, it was his responsibility to ensure that his people were safe from all threats both internal and external. Talon sighed deeply. He was...

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Through the Horizon: Power Taken, Councils Formed and Trouble Brewing

Hello all, yet another chapter as promised. I'm trying to be more regular (\*snickers\*) with my writing. Expect several chapters a month now instead of one ever three months. Eventually I'll get a decent schedule developed and posted. As always...

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Through the Horizon: Part 2--Power and Negotiations

Hello all, this is the second part of the chapter. Enjoy, oh and there's surprise gay buttsex in the next chapter. That's right, I'm back in production. Through the Horizon: Part 2--Power and Negotiations Bane awoke the next day; he...

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Through The Horizon: Futures End

Ron and Seamus stood in the gate room of Accendo City. Like hearing a strange language, the idea that Bane was gone, just didn't register. Before them, a monitor showed a long range scan of the planet they had just departed. Bane was supposed to...

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Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part Two Looking at the smoking corpse of the human attacker, Bane made a decision. He said to his friends, "Ron, you and Seamus will make your way to a control room and see if you can take control of the central...


Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One

Through the Horizon: Under Attack, Part One Bane groaned as the alarm clock sounded its usual morning wake up call. He reached over and switched it off, then rolled over and cuddled up closely with his fox. Seamus chuckled happily and a bit...

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Through the Horizon: Sex, Love, and Hope

Through the Horizon: Sex, Love, and Hope Bane walked down the deserted beach slowly. Waves crashed ashore, spraying his dark brown fur with the salty mist. His feet sank into the damp sand with each step, leaving a trail behind him, that the waves...

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Into the Horizon: Power Contested Part 3

Greetings all, I present you with the final part of this chapter. The wonderful Dasher Cheetah assisted me with it, so be sure to give him the credit he deserves should you like this story. I hope you enjoy. ...

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Into the Horizon: Power Contested Part 2

Hello all, you must ask yourself....does this contain the answer to the question of Dasher living? I suppose we'll find out together as you read. A bit of a note from last chapter. Capitan Devin Lopez doesn't belong to me, he's...

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Into the Horizon: Power Challenged Part 1

That's right, after a very long delay Into the Horizon is back. This chapter has no yiff, but is adult for blood and gore. Feel free to let me know what you think. I would like to give a special thanks to Dasher Cheetah. He helped me bring this chapter...

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Passion: Romantic Intentions

Hello all, this is a brand new series revolving around myself, Dasher Cheetah, and Seamus Accendo. I would like to thank Dasher Cheetah for helping me with this and I want to dedicate this series to Seamus Accendo. He is the best mate and...

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