A Roo Dreams of Toumal

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The Roo groaned in his sleep, rolling and tossing around in his bed. When he finally lay still on his back, he reached to scratch his solid belly before slowly drifting off into dream land... The living room was covered...

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Dedicated Students

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff In the library, three muscular males were busy studying their books. The smallest of them, Ronny, a red fox, sighed irritably as a big gray rhino with spiky red hair sitting next to him drummed at the table they were...

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Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The sounds of cock slamming into his ass rang in Marty's ears. Normally, outside from where he was, he was known as the popular jock with a rocking body, blue eyes, and spiky blond hair. But in his neighbor's basement, with...

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Four For The Team

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff There was loud clattering and the sounds of sneakers in the locker room. Jess turned his head, the human watching almost everyone else on the football. Toying with the bands of his jockstrap, he patiently waited till the...

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Big Bad Bobby Ch 2

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The air was filled with muffled whimpers as Colt felt more water gushing down the back of his legs and over his pale sac. There was a loud slurping as the pump was unstrapped from his waist and dropped to the floor, just...

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Big Bad Bobby Ch 1

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff There was a squeal from the wet brakes of the truck when it came to a stop. Colt jumped awake, sharply inhaling the cool air while adjusting the jacket around him. Bobby said that his heater wasn't working; he looked over...

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Deleting Story Files

To clear up my computer and some of the insanity of my story folder, I am deleting ALL of my stories from my computer. If you really like some of my stories, I insist you save those certain ones because if they get delete from Sofurry or Furaffinity,...


Memoirs of Kid Universe: Universe In One Room 1/2

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff [Waking Up] Everything was dark and warm as a bright, pure white light flashed. Billy woke to the set conditions of his twelve by twelve complex. Tugging at the flashing latex like collar around his neck, he groaned as the...

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After School

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff Class was boring, and Roger, a seventeen year old black and white stud sighed, actually fondling himself through the pocket of his jeans. Like any high school teenager, he was so full of pent up aggression and sexual...

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My Fursonas

This is sort of a character sheet for my main three fursonas, two which are brand spanking new. Considering I can't draw for jack, I decided to write them. #1 Name: Shy Roo Age: 17 (depends on time period) Body Type: Thin (Feminine) Hair/Eye...

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Enter the Games

For a friend... The Roo blinked, looking around the dome shaped room as four very attractive females approached him from four corners of the dark room, the only light coming from the nearby table and their white suits. Putting his fists to his...

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A Little Faith

(What do gods have but the faith of the people? What happens when that faith is taken away? What do they have left?) Bits of carved stone rolled across the crumbling path that lead up into the black tower. Casey's heart raced; he felt sweat slide...

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