Welcome to Walmart

The time he passed with the mannequins, the signs, the speakers and cash registers were always pleasant, like those he passed with the wall in the backroom.

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Welcome to Snowdin

She gave me a warm smile as i walked over behind the counter and was shown the way to the backroom of the store.

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Morpheus Fantasy Services: For Science!

Yeah, i think he deserved another round in the backrooms. "corey, keith and i were just about to jump in back and have some fun," i said, winking at him and hiking my thumb over my shoulder. "wanna join us?"

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Business as Usual

"m-mister zohaar, lord jarek wishes to see you," he gulped but he abruptly turned on his heel and hurried away toward one of the backrooms, the draenei of course assuming the lad was just busy.

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Price of Life: Chapter IV

She disappeared into the backroom for a moment. during this long silence, raksha stared at the parcel on the counter. it was not terribly large, yet not too small, either.

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The Alchemist's Study: Chapter Six

I stepped inside seeing the light of a backroom on the other side. eton was probably still here. i stopped in the entryway which had the payphone as well as the bathrooms before the second door to the library.

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Furry Anthro Virus (FAVi) Part 5 - Resistance [TF Story]

Maybe it connects to the backroom?" chase nodded, "sounds like a plan, i didn't see any anthros near there either whilst i was making my way over here." the two slowly began to make their way over to the vent.

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The Missing Professor

In the backroom, mr. acquerne offered the inspector some tea which he promptly refused. - now then, what be your business in my humble bakery. did someone go missing perhaps? mr. acquerned inquired. - that would be correct.

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Hide and Seek

Jade called and dashed away, he walked into the backroom and looked under the guest bed, nothing, he then went into the room across from it and looked ontop of the drier, behind the washing machine, nothing.

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Descent into Sin

Aiden desired to see the backroom but was afraid of going in alone. now he had a strong, older male to accompany him and repel any unwanted advances.

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Last Call

Hopefully the horse wouldn't find the backroom where his lower half was. he certainly wouldn't want to take that monster of a dick. its not like he exactly had a say in the matter though.

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Empty streets lonely barista

Oh well i guess we can go to the backroom for a bit." cody said as he stood up while eying the big cock desirably. "no we are doing it out here."

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