Fuzic Nature

Kade had been banned from the stores because she was too big, and had a tendency to sell out the produce section on beets, which she had a particular fancy for. koda was banned for attacking a store manager because kade was banned.

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Park Predator

Soon the otter stood nude before her, looking down, looking defeated except for his beet red ears. "hey, don't look so glum." opal said, sitting up and grabbing him. he looked at her and she smiled kindly.

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Hunting Accident

The farmer's face had been beet red with anger as he held up his dead bird. "i have shot that thing more times than i can count, i want it gone or you are fired." "yes, sir," the hunter replied without a moment's hesitation.

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Javier's Binder

If a hyena could blush, the young man in front of javier would surely be beet red. without thought, he looked javier up and down, unconsciously admiring him and the various bulges his body made through his clothing.

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Just Guys Being Dudes [TSR]

"uh," his cheeks went beet-red as he stopped gripping his nips, a bit chagrined in the process, "yeah, i guess i kinda like this a little." "only a little?"

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Sake It to Me [TSR]

Seeing the unintentional display of his boyfriend's powerful ass cheeks had tadano's face beet red, his boner stiffening in an instant as the spotty rear end shredded the material to ribbons. "i, uh... could get those fixed, maybe?"

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Officer Foxy

The wolf was blushing beet red now. "y-y-es sir." "sir would you please step out of the car." "shit." the wolf grumbled, opening the door. "step over to my cruiser please sir." the fox said, motioning to the cruiser. the wolf stepped over to the car.

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Pt. 2 - The right thing

I turned beet red. i didn't know what to say. "it's not that easy..." "apologizing is never easy." he answered while sitting down beside me with a 'dad' smile. "but it's the first step to making things better."

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Australië Woestijn

„goed, zodra u een beet hebt, het als daar is niets anders schijnt om te eten!" dave zette abrupt het voedsel op de grill terug, met een pijnlijke blik slapped op zijn gezicht, verwarde bunjil, die wordt geprobeerd om te begrijpen wat gebeurde.

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Survival of the Fittest: The Romance Extrapolation (part 3)

She turned beet-red and didn't come back to school for two days. when she returned she said she forgave me and that was the christian thing to do. i reminded her she was a catholic and not a christian. "same fucking thing, asshole." she said.

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To be silenced is golden

He whistles, wide-eyed with surprise, as my face turns what must be beet red. wayne says, "shhhh, or you'll ruin it." someone must be spreading the word.

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Winter Class Ch. 3

His face is beet red... or is it? i can't tell - could just be his red fur. leaving him alone for now would be my best option. i get up off the bed and turn around to see vole, standing in front of me. actually, i just see his shirt.

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