Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt8.

A moan from jack's lips caused her mind snap free from her train of thought as she runs a hand gently along the caucasian youths face, turning her head to the small dressing table where a small espeon was laying her eyes watching her trainer go about her business

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A chat with Raven and Doreen

Raven finishes dressing and shifts to what is basically her with the skin of a tanned caucasian. sliding on some shades raven leaves, while doreen moves to the chair next to lucia's bed.

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A slightly pudgy elder statesman of a caucasian keeps watch over all; it's his boat after all.

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Chapter One: The meeting

I guess you could call me the average joe; i am a caucasian, 5 foot 8 human male, who has an average job, a run down apartment , and an average dick with pretty much a lonely life. because at the age of 21... i am still a virgin.

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Not All Beginnings Are Good Beginnings

The meaty caucasian blonde looked back to alaric, and gave him one last hit to the kidney, making him cough up blood, and walked away.

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Not So Grand Start

God: "name dakota verse, age twenty-one, hair brown, eyes hazel, ethnicity caucasian, weight two hundred and fifty-six pounds, height five foot twelve inches, appearance average, good deeds amount to half of life time, bad deeds amount to slightly pass half

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Edge Walking. Chap 1: Exodus

For example, wolves are not supposed to be equated with caucasians, or hispanics, or native americans, etc...

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Dante | Chapter II

A caucasian lady strode through the forest without a sound, her beautiful worthy of a flower nymphs elegant features were adorned with the occasional long, white feathers along the beautiful white dress that she wore.

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the Fluke Ch. 1

He ignored the ringing phone because he saw a sight in that mirror that wasn't his own caucasian freckled face.

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Name: jake eternal sex: male blood type: o race: caucasian nationality: american built: athletic eye color: orange age: 18 they seemed to know everything about him.


Red Moon: Revolution Chapter 1

A caucasian in his late twenties in a black leather sports coat strode confidently up next to falagan with a smile and took a look up to the sky and let a few drops of water fall onto his face. "this storm is expected to stay for another week."

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The Pump (Pooltoy Dronification Transformation)

_patient is caucasian male, good physical condition, works out. looks tired, day-old beard. trying not to put his hand over his crotch.

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