Lonely Oak Chapter 9

The sister exclaimed, "you're such a funny guy why don't _you_ try to challange thor?" "i'm allergic to lightning gods," he said with a shrug. then he pointed to a row of blue stalls. "i gotta...y'know, do some business.

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The dream of mine

He was wondering what possible challange there was to meet here, but didn't have to wait for too long.

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The Quest for the Vessle Part One

I held my sword out at the man, challanging him. "she is not the hell spawn of satan," said the man as he lunged at me. he drew his sword and i readied my self for impact. a strange force knocked me off my feet.

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Sorrow and Joy (Prologue)

Zach's going to be a pokemon professer, while i'am going to johto and challange it's gym's." diane said as she kicked him in the leg again. "gah! why do you keep doing that?" richie said as he rubbed his shin. diane shrugged. "no reason."

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Part 8 Earth Training For Dragoune

This is probably the longest chapter i have written \*oh i forgot to put the questions underneath damm my tiredness\* what will be dragoune's next challange and who is this strange snake.

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HighSchool romance Part 2

Nothing too challanging." benji said as he ate his own salad. "nice, bet you kept kicking ass? huh?" sasha said with a giggle. "heh, yeah. coach says i am his pride for being the fastest. i hope to break my own record soon.


PMD The Warrior's of Light

"well don't forget me, my names lucario and i'm a male for everyone's information, you'll have to take me down aswell if it's a team battle i hear then i'm in" challanged lucario daring the team to fight for dominance pulling on a confident face at jason.

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Chapter One - Dragon Skies

After calm returned, the emerald stood causing her hair to flow over her shoulders, her act challanged him for his right to sit at that seat, which only a through inspection could prove he could sit there, and denial wasn't an option.

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A trainer's story [22]

Jaden declared, pointing his arm at jake's side, 'lucario wins, which means the victory of this match goes to the challanger jake.' 'alright! another gym victory!' exclaimed jake, literally jumping up in joy.

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Raving weekend 2.txt

It wasn't to say how they deserve those losses, but if they were willing to fight me, then i accepted their challange kaide: kad? you mean kadmiel? alucard: who is that? is that your friend?

Love Beneath the Surface-Chapter 1-A Floating Stone

The gym leader wen to deal with a challanger who came in and cleared the pool. geo went to the change room to get dried off while swampert and rhydon came out of the pool to join up with him before he left.

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Meeting Combusken

As mandated, al had accepted the challange and they had both left immediately. as he was very protective of his family, he left one of his pokemon behind.

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