The Moonweaver Chronicles part 13

Locking the creatures in an illusion that would keep them in a comatose state, i carried vincent on my back with his arms wrapped around my neck, i dragged the other two, each by a leg.

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Lab Animal

My eyes dilated and my head started to swim with comatose grandeur, sparkles of light, colourful and bright. the sounds of the machines and the humans wavered in and out, faded; never to be heard again.

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WindSwept: Part 11

She runs away back to the dragon city where her father's comatose body is --gale forces himself to calm down, with help from aznor and flora's father.

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Toxic Bear

He used this length to his advantage, grinding it against her ass and sliding it forward, making the otherwise comatose lioness's breathing become shaky.

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9 (DSV Nautica)AU-945 Part 2

Ka'ya entered a deep comatose phase once again, her body trembling slightly.aki felt herself connect to the council chamber. the council members scrutinizing her. "nee'ak'ee'oh, captain of the exploration ship erebus, what do you have to report?"  

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The Merrin, part 7

No, not asleep, more like comatose. those damn survivalist modifications that drudge has can do that. sighing heavily, she retreats to the hatch and tries to stretch.

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A Snowkitten Cometh 27: Nightmares

Stunned at the news, eliki holds his comatose mother. "may the goddess guide you on your journey, erin. you are loved by so many..." tears roll down his matted cheeks as he looks up out the window at the full moon illuminating the night sky.

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Breaktime Shorts 7 and 8

Mental scars, it was time for payback.â his father lay in a drunken stupor, draped over a chair, bound hand and paw to the chair legs.â the young leopard allowed himself a moment to savor the anticipation before kneeling behind his near-comatose

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Tales of Ocrinia-Bonding

The last thing i heard was falcnor's voice saying, "i will love you always" then i fell into a comatose. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* when i awoke everything was pitch black.

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is it a dream or a nightmare?

No wait i don't want to here it lets get out of here before you go comatose again' i was about to contradict her when i saw the look on her face she looked worried. ‘okay lets get out of here i'll explain it over coffee on me.'

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27 (DSV Nautica) Fallen Angel fell into a comatose state. you are in the medical ward."all it took was a brief exchange of thoughts with various crew members to get a read on the ships status. they were damaged, but not completely inoperable. they could live with it.

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Not So Retired Any More XXXIII

comatose due to a complicated childbirth. a thought that made her wince and squeeze tristan's paw, and push thoughts of her one dead child out of her mind for now.

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