Chapter 13: Star Fox Commanding

So, i though to myself, what if eric adler was a transitioning female, and had been subjected to testosterone and performance enhancers during the war against corneria.

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Chapter 37: Resolutions

As a consequence, it proved instrumental in the mcclouds' lawsuit against the corneria enquirer.

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Wolfpack Core - Chapter 6 - You Know Me

"well, i was in a dark alley in a rather slummish part of corneria city... maybe it was corneria, maybe it wasn't, i dunno. and i saw spike wearing the yakuza's mark for execution. i tried to yell out to him, but he couldn't hear me.

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Starfox: For the Love of a Vixen - Part 3

"next one of you who starts any trouble is going to be confined to their quarters until we get to corneria, understood?" "got it," said falco, folding his arms like a pouting child.

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Star Fox: First Contact - Mission VIII

"what do you mean you were there a month ago to see corneria realize it's not the only space worthy civilization around, bill? we're going to establish communications from our galaxy to another - gah! what in corneria is happening here?"

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Regret Chapter 9

Seriously, fox... there are a lot of female fox mccloud fanclubs on corneria. you should find a nice..." he lifted a paw and gestured slippy to silence. "save it, bud.

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Role Reversal

Peppy doesn't bother responding, keeping the ship on a steady path towards corneria. "craft at heading 3-114-22, you need to stop and identify yourself before proceeding to corneria." the voice speaks, more firmly.

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Arwing Archives

It wasn't often that she found herself working on corneria itself, but that meant that backup was literally one call away. not that she ever would need it.

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Chapter 33: Sedition

They would not find out until it was too late, and then he would be hailed a hero when the legitimate leaders retook control of corneria.

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I'm Not a Hero...

She stopped in her tracks, craned her head back as far as it could go, and took in the looming tower that dominated the skyscrapers of corneria city.

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Black and White

The view out the window looked down across half corneria city. it wasn't one of the luxury spots that had a bird's-eye view of corneria park, but it was about as close to it as a mere mortal could hope to afford.

Visiting an old Friend

"it happened on corneria. when the aparoids attacked us, we lost many soldiers. but fara...fara helped to save the lives of innocent civilians as well as the lives of our own soldiers but at the cost of nearly losing her own."

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