Beware of cougars CH1 Pt2

Jack shoulders his rifle looks through the scope demon head in his crosshairs, jack's strokes the trigger.

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End of a World

I called, settling my crosshairs on the zealots neck, where the armor was weakest. "remind me again why we've sat here for three hours?" i asked. "we're waiting to either capture or kill the zealot and its contact."

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Teaser - Asking For It

Carefully, he lined up his crosshairs, waiting for her to commit to entry. she didn't jump through. he waited. nothing. did she go around? he glanced right, only to glance back and see that she had jumped through in that split instant.

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Maranatha - Chapter X, as told by Owen Zelazny

"you know i'm on at crosshairs, patsy," i reply, and i'll probably explain later on what crosshairs is precisely. he grins at the jibe and starts walking along with me, on the other side of the street, past unlit windows and windowless cars.

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

For one thing, that would put marl in the crosshairs of stellar law. for another... _for another, it's such a **tempting** idea, isn't it?_ her reflection stated.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 8

Keep your crosshairs on the target. never hesitate. click. click. boom. his ears flicked through the slits in his hat as he laid steady in the prone, buttstock pressed firmly against his shoulder.

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Newer World Order, Chapter 7

She centered her crosshairs on the humvee and pressed the red button on the left just to see what it would do. she kept her finger on the trigger in case nothing happened.

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Maranatha - Chapter XI, as told by Owen Zelazny

Couple of gigs at the crosshairs, double bill's favorite haunt, where we play accelerated, juiced-up covers of country and folk songs.

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End of Time - Session 1

The crosshair stopped on one in particular. through the slats of a hasty barricaded window, a faint light flickered. it was the only sign of life in the dead place. large ears flicked and swiveled as they scanned for any sounds.

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Zombie Outbreak Part 1

I line my crosshairs up and squeeze the trigger. instantly i can hear the silenced shot ring out beside me as the bullet tears through my targets head, before it drops to the ground. i line my next four shots up and they all hit there mark.

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The Battle Beyond the Field - An Interview With the Legend

Enemy troops flooded the streets, firing at anyone in their crosshairs, like savage beasts that knew nothing other than destruction. the unsc troops faught back valiantly, but at the cost of millions of casualties, both military, and civilian.

Can You See Me Now? (Pt. 5 of 5(Pt.2)

His finger felt the cool metal of the trigger as each crosshair pointed directly in between the fox's eyes. "3...2...1..." he counted in his head.

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