The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision

Second, our plan of action is to either find a way to repair the ship or contact cybertron to get us off this planet" i look confidently at everyone else here on the bridge.

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 1: Pink Energon and an Amorous Miko

Restoring optimus's memories and going to cybertron itself could easily be something to brag about, but jack remained humble, he knew how important those feats were, and bragging wasn't really in his nature.** **miko never really considered dating that much

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The Silverscale Arena: December 2020 Ch. 1 (Team Introductions/Bloodbath)

Megatron, emperor of the decepticons and the devil of cybertron, had arrived at last. the mass of tendrils screeched in pain as shots were fired into it, causing it to drop its victims in the scuffle.

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Jack's Girls - Chapter 4: Beyond Bounds

He didn't deny his attachment to her, through thick and thin they had been together; cybertron, arachnid, and so many other things. what did she mean to him? she was his partner, his friend...but could she possibly be more?

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The Dog Zone

Its cybertronic brain splattered against the wall as its head exploded from an armour-piercing bullet like a cheap firecracker. "damn!"

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A.I.: Automatonomic Intimacy

"when you first got me, upon initial boot-up an automatic imprinting program was run through my cybertronic cortex. my visual sensors recognized your species and i became a natural, female partner for you.

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The little bot resembled cybertron i that the professor had lent them some years ago.

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