Raiyev Part 1

A fifth dementia of psychology. downright otherworldly. he slowly came around, squinting his eyes open into the darkness of his bedroom. a dream. it had been only a dream.


Taking it Easy

"google dementia," i said, "they were already talking about it when we were kids, weren't they?" he winked. "i don't remember," he giggled.

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A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 13

Bradley was most worried about his mother, who had spent the last five years taking care of his father when he was first diagnosed with dementia. "mom," said bradley after the funeral. "tori and i want you to come live with us."

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Substitution - Chapter 10

"anti-dementia treatment," the orca said, "we regenerate damaged neural tissue, help them form new connections, recover the old. being exposed to old music and film often helps."

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The Warrior's Dove Ch:11

My voice was alien, it no longer sound so vulgar, filled with hate and dementia; but instead was soft, almost charming and bright to hear. "we don't even know that. these bastards took us when we got separated." "separated?

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Double Dip

Behind her, jamie muttered something about mood swings and dementia as she removed her sunglasses. as soon as the squirrel slipped into the cool water, sheena surfaced beside her and wrapped both arms around her waist. "now... fuck me," she said.

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Logan and Chomper: The Passion That Transcends The Grievances Of Time

"just you await chomper" said a devil and pythagorian voice, "you will pay for your sins of necropholia and rampant lustful anathema behaviour of elegant parietal dementia!!!!" "who said that?"

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Settling In

She made note of any slight changes in the tone of misty's voice, her body language, and facial expressions, careful to watch for any and all warning signs of depression, severe mental shock, dementia, schitsophrenia, cabin fever, or any other form of psychosis

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Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor

That one, went on to develop dementia and several addictions to strange things like iron, nickel, and iridium. they died a week later from blood poisoning." [me] "wait, why?


Chapter XXI

It would only be a matter of time until his dementia reared its ugly head. and when it did occur, it would not be pleasant for any party involved. fara on the over hand was surprisingly optimistic.

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Chapter XXII

That was not a good thing, it meant that his dementia was coming back, they would have to take care of it, and soon. but the most vital decision right now was wether to let him know, or keep it a secret.

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Game Over Chapter 1

"what are doing in the dementia lands?! are you moderator in disguise? and how come you have no username?!" the werewolf demanded. "i have now idea what you are talking about!" marcus shouted.

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