Where Angels Fear
The coyote's tail does an odd dance between dominance and fear. "i'm afraid we're _not_ done, coyote," the man says, pushing off the toyota and sauntering a few steps in our direction. "your journalist is a liability."
Demon's darkest fear
**demon's darkest fear** demon sat with angel under an apple tree near the fair grounds, she looks at her as the wind blows gently. "angel?" "yeah?"
Fear Part 1
#1 of fear fear, pure terror, horror so unspeakable the mere thought of it makes you want to vomit. the story i'm going to tell you now is about a small cub that has a peculiar ability.
Chapter 27 Fear
I'm not afraid anymore."
Poem #23: Fear
Invigorates strengthens itself reveals and weakens itself the climax of emotion course of action a calling fight or flight fear its cloak wrapped around us all no escape but salvation from fear.
The Angel I Fear
I walk back, for fear of her intent. she keeps coming, her hand extended to me. until at last i am caught by the wall. she starts to grin, her skin withering away. she speaks with a voice that enthralls the gods.
Fear Is The Weakness (Tame)
That fear would only haunt him, taunt him constantly that he was a coward. not afraid of facing gods, but of some affection that only meant well?
Fear and Loathing - Prologue
#1 of fear and loathing - the series the events leading up to fear and loathing. "_the one thing we know the most about our world is that we know almost nothing.
Step One: Fear
That, and fear. nothing cut an image like fear. a man sans his armor, earned and boasted for, would be mocked for his nekkidity. and when one was all the instrument of fear they needed; what need of clothing, indeed.
FMM- Fear and a Friend
"you need not fear me child. no harm shall befall you of my hand. now tell me, child. how old are you?"
Day 23 - Fear
I stared at the enveloped on top of my wooden desk, cold sweat running down my back. It was such a simple thing, like the hundreds I received every year and yet, the sight of those elegant black letters, the curves that signature took on the edges of...
V5- Plagued with Fear
"i know you are not afraid of me but you are afraid of them, so be civil else i will allow them to be very uncivil with you," maxinimus smirked callously at his foe.