How the Fuck Did I Get Here CH 5: Oh...that's how
"so you want to work for el cartel?" he said, his voice low, and his words measured. "el cartel doesn't hire people, el cartel _owns_ people.
Tales from Silicon City 7: Juniata Trasero
A mexican ex-pat living in america, hiding from the cartels, tren has so far been able to avoid directly confronting her pursuers... at least until tonight.
The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Wrath of Tu'ri
The latter began to fan out around the cartel building, under standing orders to kill everyone who tried to leave.
Ch12. Lesson Six. Taking Charge
A nice clean cut blond haired and blue eyes innocent kid delivering drug money to the cartels? my dad was furious though. he didn't believe me when i told him i was in this not by choice. well things came to a head.
Delta Chronicles ch.2
Jj, dylan, and clarice spun around to see a small army of cartel guards advancing on them. dylan fired a grenade from themk-1 ans took out about five of them, while jj and clarice dove behind a piece of wreckage for cover.
Eyes half-lidded, cartel smirked like she had only ever seen him do, "can't be a good boy all the time..._mommy_..." echo wanted to scream.
The cartels were probably already planning something and he needed to lay low for a few days before trying to head back to his ship.
The Amazonian Conflict
Alvarez managed to shred two of the cartel members, while whiplash sprayed another two.
Mendo Kills a Kitty (Working Title)
Rivets of sweat poured down the contoured angles of his shoulder blades, dripping off the bandoleer and machete mendo had used to chop through jungle and cartel goon alike.
Journey Pt.1: Arrival
#1 of journey series a strike against a cartel in argentina mostly goes on plan, but for hunter, it just goes horribly wrong. "okay, bring it on, i got a bullet with your name on it!"
Puesta de sol Americana
The men who were standing belonged to the cartel he'd been directing operations against for months.
Family Matters - 1
What jaguar from a rich cartel starting out in medical school was dumb enough to marry so beneath her?