Reflection of the Cat

The dim-witted face of the little fish gazed up to the towering feline.

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870 Found Memories

A giant fish? what the fuck! go giant fish!') and terrowne continues on his way, unaware that in his contemplation of the deep past he has worked a small magic, and _remembranced_the giant heron.

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Suncrest - Chapter 1

God, i wish i had a fish form. his fingers squeezed the end of the fishing line, red fur digging into the bamboo. his only saving grace was that it was such a nice day outside. under the heat of the sun, it felt like being cradled in a warm blanket.

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VoreSpin: Fish Food

The huge fish's underwater senses focused on all the potential prey in the area, small fish, large fish, crustaceans, even divers and swimmers nothing was safe from the creature's appetite, if the grouper could fit it, it ate it.

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Big Fish Stories

Well, fish of course. and you know what they say, everyone exaggerates the size of the fish they caught. "...and that is why i always fish out of a kayak.

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Polly smiled back softly, continuing to pat his head to wake up the tired little fish. "well, i just noticed your fins are trembling. are you having a bad dream?" the king tilted his head in confusion.

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A Wolf Among Fish

He allows himself to relax, watching the fish swim about, and a few dolphins as well. this is certainly the best way to relax after a long day. a small stinging in his chest reminds him that he does need to breathe air soon.

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Teach a man to fish

Just a snuff piece for a friend of mine :) teach a man to fish... adam was feeling rather chipper on this particular morning.

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Fishing for a bear 4

#4 of fishing for a bear fishing for a bear part 4 edited by rekhit dallas reached his paw into a bag of potato chips as he scrolled through his i-pod, sighing a bit as he clicked on _"i want love - by elton jhon.

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Fishing for a bear 3

#3 of fishing for a bear fishing for a pear part 3 witten by ajax baback coriander "papa bear to cub," adam said, and waited. a few minutes passed, but all that came through the speaker was the lifeless sound of static.

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New Found Fishes

Little worm like fish with bell shaped heads. giant tear-drop shaped fish with vertical mouths gobbled up the worms one by one.

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Give a Man a Fish...

Give a man a fish... by havoc "...and you feed him for a day. teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

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