Remaking the herd chap 2

geld me? like some common plough horse? i think not i... i'll..."

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Lost in Translation

John's hooves began to wander over the gelding's body, feeling all his pudgy curves, exploring down to the dark red gelding's limp sheath, and finally the spot between his legs where his balls used to hang.

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The barmaids tale...

And plenty of others too for that matter, after all that's what gelding's do. isn't it?"

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Der Drache und die Salbe

Sie waren beide sozusagen söldner und verdienten ihren lebensunterhalt mit allem was ihnen etwas geld zum überleben brachte.

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Master of the house Chap 4

His massive balls slapped the gelding's wound, and making the highborn gelding's limp noodle flop around comically between his creamy thigh's. "oho heheh... you sure look like your enjoying the geldings sissy hole."

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Demon fox herd stallion

The great stallion's head tossed back a few times ... his hot member poking almost carelessly against his gelded captive's rump.

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The ArchMages Apprintice...

Quin's hip's moved weakly as the gelded dun stallion's twitching quivering hole, teased and squeezed his liquid lust's out of him! with his sweaty face pressed to the geldings sleek smooth coat, quin lay panting. "i want to keep you always."

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-003]

Ohne mich würdest längst verhungern. " "kann sein, ich hätte niemals mit so viel geld auf die strasse gehen sollen" ,jammerte shane und find an weinen. "ich habe carols geld verloren.

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The big night...

His burro friend brady needed a favor, and had called to ask if jordan could come over and watch his kids and gelded brother for a while?

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Timothy in the dark - Episode 04: Berührungen

Brauchst du das geld nicht selbst?" „ich komme schon klar, nimm ruhig.", versicherte ihm tim. also nahm alex das geld dankend an und steckte es ein.

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Peter's new life

Es gäbe einige hotels hier, aber sie könne sich das geld ruhig sparen und er würde ihr eine bessere übernachtungsmöglichkeit zeigen und auch einiges an „unterhaltung" für die nacht. peter stellte sich vor und fragte nach ihrem namen. gaja sagte sie.

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I love my gelding

I love my Gelding My favorite time was when I first woke up in the morning, I'd watch Cameron sleeping naked beside me. He was an incredibly beautiful young roan stallion, sleek red fur...

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