34: Struggles of Faith

That doesn't mean you need to be a doormat, gracie." "i'm not a doormat," she replied softly and then looked at the nearby window, glancing at a few stars visible through it. "...can we do something naughty tonight?"

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pokemon world ((PART TWO))

They were not just people but showed they all pulled out knives out making bamut sigh and placed tina on the counter so the he could stand up and look towards the 20 people in the cafe and closed his eyes removing his glasses and handed it to tina who gracifully

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The Door (Ch. 16)

Otterton said in an excited whisper as they stood, watching sarah sleep, cuddling gracie close to her. "i know...and when you think about it...she's also really fragile." "well all children are sweetie, at least those as little as sarah."

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A Fucked-Up Mess - Coevolution 013

"hey, gracie! how ya doin'? grace looked at the weavile grinning at her through her laptop screen and sighed. "i assume you've not read the news yet?" her dad raised an eyebrow, the smile on his face replaced by a look of concern.

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Summer Bucks the Trend: Chapter 8 (The End)

gracy --now gray -- gave a friendly wave as summer walked by. he had a lot to be thankful for, as he had turned into a devilishly handsome male snow leopard.

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A Quick Dip

The name's gracie. you may have seen me hanging about the jungle before -- i'm a pretty avid sun-bather, so you can usually find me lounging on some rock or other, trying to work on my tan.

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Moneybag Mr. Nook

gracie. five! that swindler, crazy redd. bored yet? it goes on. me? drunk? no, no, no! i'm lyle, ha ha. boom. only got a drink in me. well, let me tell you. a drunk lyle's a fun lyle, and a fun lyle has lots of juicy gossip to share. lots of it.

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Folsom Chapter 8: The Offer

Some were going, some were just starting, like gracie, a mink with ears covered in piercings, a short orange mohawk, and a smile that made the hog think, if only for a moment, how wonderful her screams would be with her touch.

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Adipose City: Two Birds, One Stone

Or was she part of gracie davis's class?" tank ass asked as it finally dawned on her. "i don't remember, but she was one of us.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 6

If it isn't george and gracie come to welcome me to their humble abode," duke greeted sarcastically. "word on the street was you got yourself shot, wilde. how's that working out for you?" "i got better," he replied, deadpan.

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Summer Bucks the Trend: Chapter 4

It was her or me, and realistically she was done for as soon as gracy brought her up on that hill." summer looked into cynthia's eyes. she seemed unconvinced. "think about it this way.

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24: Falling Embers

Let's just say that the mc isn't really going to keep quiet and idle about what happened to gracie and carmie.** _ **it's going to be a bloodbath, isn't it?** _ **obviously~.**

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