Chapter 18 - Love's Labour's...

"sure you are, and seein' my old man and grandad the other day was also real. or seein' nickel coming back to the family business, right? fuck you." i walked over to the side of his bed and slapped him across his broad muzzle.

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Was born a little further north but my great, great grandad started the business here..." he looks back towards the lobby of the hotel and stares for just a few moments.

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Lake Krystalvasser - Part One

You looking forward to seeing your gran and grandad?" "yes! i'm going to go paddling and ride the donkeys with mammy, and then we're going to go paddling and see the custle and..."

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 21 - Enter: Revan

"okay, i maybe trained and educated your father for a long time, but that doesn't make me a grandad. that's quite rude my friend. yes indeed. very rude..." he sounded displeased, nevertheless turning around to continue his search. "eh..bu-eh...wha???"

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Chapter 62: Tribute

"and we can't even eat them because grandad won't let us light a fire." "they aren't for us to eat, kiddo," keeno reminded him. he tossed a paw. "they're tribute, so the red wolves don't string us up by our dicks and have their way with our females."

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Better than the other Guys

I thanked the previous owner and picked bowlfuls as i remembered my grandad used to moan about deer raiding his allotment gardens and eating anything, but particularly the greens.

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All in the Family

"why don't you take him like this while he gives his old grandad some attention?" halt suggested.

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Gallivant's Dad-Venture

So ready to take some dad or grandad dick in you at any time? so horny you're leaking through your shorts and you can't stop thinking about what's in a guy's pants? ready to just be a good little dad slut?" the skunk began to shake, and he said.

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Skipping a Generation

"and what'd grandad treat you like? fucking garbage. taught you how to shuffle paper around, lead you on, then cut you loose to keep a handle on his money.

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Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 12: November Rains

He thought about the future briefly, considering his current situation, "you know, most guys my age never get this far in life, grandad you always had a sick sense of humor!" he said in his mind, looking at his koru charm.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)

'you know, i always thought that granny was being silly -locking us in- but, after she passed away, grandad eric told me about the reaping gangs.

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Gertrudes Boy

Carter told me today about gertrude, mom and grandad." mom smiled and said "we know. she came over to tell us and to reassure us that our secret is safe with her."

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