Hyde and Seek - No Safe Place

                It was a week later while Maggie was flying reconnaissance that she spotted the odd shape in the water below. It was for the moment inert; bobbing along on the waves, looking like it was trailing a skirt of seaweed. She almost...

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-15 Change of Plans

Chapter 15 Change of Plans A gentle grasping of my head from someone's hand followed by a gentle shake wakes me up from my music induced nap. For a moment I don't remember where I am and who the person's hand belongs to. It has to be Patrick as Mark...

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Vex in Love 02

Giving into the pain of his injuries, vex let out a painful cry and went silent again, his chest heaving, aching each time.

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Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 4

Chapter FOOOOUR! I really feel like this one is going to need some work. \*Update\* Now with better, more action-y ending. \* \* \* Hastur was a failure. Three days ago, they had failed to foresee Pepper's fight, and they had failed to understand...

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Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 3

. \* \* \* _we got a murderer running amok in the forest, his probably-rapist siblings are stalking the halls, the management is dishonest and hostile, and now cinnamon and sugar are both nursing injuries

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 6 Part 2 of 2

**Chapter 6: Crushed (Part 2 of 2)** * * * Benayle waited patiently in the part of the palace complex housing the Ministry of State. He could tell that his presence there was making the staff very nervous. The area just outside Lady Mishil's office...

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Galaxy: part 6

He saw she was lying under the blanket unlike merin so david couldn't see if she had anymore injuries. like merin her fur was no longer white, she was looking at the ceiling when david went inside. "kayla!"

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Two's Trial - Chapter 6 + 7

"you had no visible injuries to be bleeding from," he held me close, remembering how close he had come to losing me when i had woken up while zale had been tending to my injuries. "it's was like your very being, was cut," amara said, in a hushed tone.

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Abuse - Chapter 1

_If you have not read teh Introduction/Preview PLEASE read it, it's crucial to the story._ "Foster! You're 20 minutes late!" Shouted the tigress as Jude walks in through the employee entrance "I'm sorry Claudia, I-" Claudia raised her hand to...

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Of Actions and Reactions...(By the light chapter 5)

Simeon carefully checked her over from nose to tail, stitching up the worst of her injuries just as he had done before, flushing them with garlic water as he went, "do you want painkillers again?" he asked when he was done splinting her tail.

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**LUNABLAZE ©** **Part 3.** 13thJune 2352. FSS DRACONUS. 312 days earlier. "Mmmm sweety, I wanna feel your tight hot cub canal milking my cock, trying to make it splurt inside your sexy body." Shi...

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2593, Chapter 12

2593-12 "I know I said it before," Eric told the fennec next to him, "But I don't do relationships. I'm perfectly happy being unattached, and that isn't going to change." The fox nodded. "I understand, Sir. You don't have to worry about that on...

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