Chapter XX: Sun Down

While the chaos in the streets occurred, the _sunspot_would bring us all to corona, expediting the inquisitions' path to the _sun spire_.

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A Feidh's Folly - Chapter Two -

Simultaneously, the doe's eyes subtly shifted, her expression briefly altering, before it vanished as suddenly as it came, a fleeting secret concealed beneath her curious, inquisitive surface.

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Born to Serve - 02

"the inquisition! the inquisition! they're coming!" the shout from the hallway set off a rumble of movement and thunder began to roll through the building. maya and jenny exchanged a hug and maya told the girl to stay behind.

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Broken Things - Chapter Three -

#3 of broken things having repaired the synth deer as best he can, with what he had available, sheppy decides to try and explain some things to the inquisitive synth, sometimes they're just -too- literal in their interpretations...

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Proxy Moron

"the notion that the inquisition hat taken an untoward interest in our menagerie park is not unanticipated," leo says with great sadness. "we shall redouble our efforts at security."

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 7.0

By midday, the sky was alight with streaks of fire as the inquisition began sending down drop pods. the large, teardrop-shaped capsules slammed into the earth and unleashed their horde of inquisition troops and _custodia puria_.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion - For the Child

The flame was enchanted and it glowed white, forming the insignia of the inquisition before unleashing a withering blast of white light that sent everyone to their knees.

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The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood

It involved the man, father delpena, the arch-inquisitor of the spanish inquisition.

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Teaser: The After-party

Despite my protests, the two inquisitive twins had poked their heads into the legs of my baggy shorts and eaten me out until i was squealing through my smelly gag.

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Of Thievery and Aiming - Eviscerator Commission

Knowing kraig, he would be inquisitive enough to want to see... and at the moment, akira just couldn't face that.

Life by the Page 7

The voice was light and inquisitive. "hi is this nathan?" leon blurted out quickly. he didn't like talking on the phone in the first place.

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A Patient Death 26: Love and War

"i imagine the inquisition has some suitably horrific fate in store for you." nurjan smiled. "you're all fools if you think astmoor will ever surrender." he paused, licking his lips.

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