Sleeping in Light

To be in the shade, and yet ... to be in light. the light coming from their hearts. the light coming from their faith (and their creator, who kept them safe). light. so, wordless, they slept in the (simultaneous) shade and light.

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Shadow and Light

The fox shifted uneasily at the doorway, not wanting to go inside of the room with all the light inside\* ... too much light... too much.. light hurt... .h-hurts ghost......

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The Inner Light

Not making eye contact, whispering, "you have an inner light." pause. "it is like ... a fire inside of you. when i look at you, i feel warm. i didn't know my heart could ... thaw," she confessed, "like that." still not looking at him.

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These City Lights

The dim streets of twilit london rolled by the window, all oily shadows and aggressively glaring lights.

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City lights

#### when i wake up, still early in the morning, #### the cold night air still present, #### the beauty of the blue light that ingulfs all, it's intoxicating. #### then the lights come on and the beauty is gone in a instance, #### and i'm forced

Light's Way

"i've brought light." he said, holding up a candleabra and illuminating mayer's figure. elizabeth gasped, and the paladin almost dropped the candleabra. "by the light..."

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In the Absence of light...

In the absence of light... cynder woke up unusually early that morning, as she could feel so refreshed, and saw no need for any more sleep. yawning and clumsily raising her head. she soon felt something at her side.

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A Presence of Light

It's a light to help pierce it. an' think of it this way: darkness isn't a thing in an' of itself. it's just an absence of light. the light being god, bein' jesus. the light being you. us. love.

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Darkness in the Light

Now they were as dark and light in one. ray was then told he was to head for edinburgh,scotland to find the hunter jaco the one who'd killed abaddon.

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Muted Light

It was her eyes that would catch the attension of anyone, especially yourself, who dared to look at the unrequitted actions of lust happening within the bounty of furs seeming to be held within its halls, the simple lobby being the bane of all who had...

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Shadow of Light

The farther into the light of the doorway he walked, the better he felt, the more... alive he felt. he was going to live again.

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Guiding Lights

He'd forced himself to pretend he was alright for weeks, denying odin's death, following the guiding light of hope up north, to sleep to see him in his dreams. but that light was gone. odin was dead, and everyone would pay the price.

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