the storm full verison now updated :D

My boots paded slowly on the snow as i was walking home from work, and this the snow storm wasn't helping.i eventaully made it home i was as red as a lobster freezing cold.i sighed in joy of haveing some hot tea siting on my couch watching the news.i then

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First Impressions Chapter 5.

She waved the remainder of the lobster at amy and stefan. "you two hope and pray that one day you will find your soul mates, like i did with ruth.

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A few fishing poles for the sea side, as well as a few lobster traps. if we caught any lobsters they'd be eaten the day we caught them the fish themselves would be skinned and gutted then immersed into brine in barrels stored in the main wagon.

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Chapter Six: Mexican Mix

"they have the best fucking lobster ever." "lobster?", i questioned. "what the fuck is lobster?" selina's' jaw dropped as she stared at me in shock. "seriously?!", she asked, shaking her head. "what?"


Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.6 - With Burning Faith

The lobster tripped with a staggering shriek, slamming the glass door that cracked against his body.

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Schande's Story-Chapter 5

I have been craving a cannoli and a lobster tail all week!" grace: "coming right up!" grace busied herself getting schande's snacks. buddy castano then came out from the back of the bakery. he immediately spotted schande. buddy c: "hey schande!"

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Slice of Life: A Typical Morning

"yeah, but i had this crazy dream about lobsters riding on hamsters." xander chuckled and nodded, pouring the now steaming syrup over their breakfasts and sliding one plate, a fork and a knife across the counter top and toward the fox.

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Emerald Maiden Chapter 6: The Lake

lobsters are theoretically immortal, but die of old age just as the kin do: unable to sustain themselves any more. the kin have multiple different influences and inspirations, and lobsters are an unexpected one.

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Me and My Bull Go to the Beach - Part 3 - Shark Bait and Mating

I smiled at the whole lobster sitting in front of me. "yum!" i yelled and five fried soft shell crabs were placed in front of drew. we started to eat and i had a little trouble with the big claws. "need help babe?"

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Spring Fever world building

Tucker is a human who has his roots on the east coast of hathia, his favorite food is a kind of seafood mix called a "borie" which is a dish consisting of steamed crab and lobster with a mix of vegetables cooked together and eaten with hathian biscuits


The Fox and the Beach House

"ok, how about red lobster?" "sounds good! what time?" "7:30 sound good?" "yeah, i'll see you there."

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Vacation Souvenirs—Chapter 8

"oh, i don't know...hmm...i mean...the lobster tails sound really good," he noted, trying not to pay attention to the $85 price under the description on the menu.

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