Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 7

But then one day bartholomew showed up at othello's missing the exact same tooth. whether this was a self-inflicted act of comradery or a dastardly bit of sabotage by his brother was still a topic of fierce debate amongst the townsfolk.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 35

He ended up going to othello's and he drank a whole bottle of cheap wine all by myself, feeling like a terrible father for leaving his children all alone in the house in the middle of the night. the wine didn't even work.

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 6

You know they can't make it past othello's without -" their voices soon deteriorated into an incomprehensible series of panting and wheezing, interspersed with the occasional "oh, cora!"

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Proyecto FUR 4

Que esforzase para tener una batalla con ese terodáctilo, y no descansaría hasta hacerle pagar lo que le hizo ha su maestro "faltan 10 horas para la siguiente batalla" - decía una fría voz mientras la imagen se desvanecía y dejaba ver las fotografías de othello

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Der verlust seines dreizacks othello sträubte ihm das schwarze fell vor wut. nohr schloss die tür mit zitternden pfoten, sprang die treppen hinab und durch das fenster, das ihnen als tür diente.

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Spring 2016

"i probably should get around to reading othello at some point, though, given i named myself after desdemona." "you know what? you're probably good to hold off on that one.

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Tales of Airethe 16: Captain Robur Brawne

'robur brawne, captain of the othello. not at your service but at your leisure.' he winks at alysa. 'i'd given cause to wonder how you might be getting along. the healers here thought you might not make it at all.

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Proyecto FUR 3

, será mejor que me vaya a buscar algo que hacer hasta el próximo encuentro, estoy seguro de que hay varias formas de entretenerse por aquí" jake long se asomó con precaución a las puertas del gimnasio principal, ahí estaban exveemon, spike, othello

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 33

He's seen lads tumble off roofs and bleed buckets onto the grass and then go their merry way to othello's the very same night, so_why!?_ why did this have to happen to her...? "james?"

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Boundaries, Part Two

Don't tell me you have another interpretation of the othello and desdemona relationship." oreste half hoped he did. they had been in the middle of a hot debate last lesson, stuck at an impasse that was apparently unsolvable.

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In All Familiar Places

" let's say...othello?" i snuffled. "the merchant of venice, act iii, scene i," i hammered. "bravo," dad smiled. "we did a whole term of shakespeare in taylor," i mused. "i remember bits and pieces."

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 42

On the outskirts of town they ran into bart and nick, who had just returned from othello's to celebrate an occasion neither of them could quite remember. _uncle ben's birthday, in't it?

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