
Yorun's dark fingers came up to his face, the bones touching upon pallid flesh. "children who know nothing about the greater magics should not offer comment. the effect is immediate.

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Empty-- Birth of Thought

He himself shudders, pallid and almost gray, daring the wolf-men in front of him to defy him. the stragglers of the army hush the forest behind the boy, and the universe waits on a response.

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The Farm Pt. 5

There was a bright explosion and pallid flames roared into the evening sky, carrying the stench of hot metal and burning meat on the hot breeze. they soon settled into a more normal, orange-red hue as they started to die down.

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 3

Gaomon looked to flamedramon, suddenly pallid with disbelief. like he thought it was play and talk, not something to follow through with. nervousness was obvious, but there was a distinct glimmer of excitement as well.

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Chapter 2 - Broken Glass Boogie

He huffed breathlessly as wiped the blood from the rough gash on the side of his face, his pallid red eyes frantically scanning the rooftops for his next move, a wide-bladed bowie knife now clutched in his claw.

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In Medias Res

He, too, was a white rabbit--but rather than snowy, his fur was a deathly pallid. as rey, his features were soft, if a bit seemingly disheveled, but his eyes were also notably narrowed.

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A massive, inhuman hand gripped the ledge down into the room, pallid, white skin marred black by decay. the screaming soon came after.

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - End

Her sudden pinch and squeeze gained the throaty cough and the sudden gasp as the pallid cum splattered about the face of the lioness and the cubs.

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Commission - The Hyena Kingdom - P2

In her mouth was the pallid liquid bubbling as she gargled it in front of another large male hyena that was gnarly looking and seriously pleased to see her thoroughly enjoying the soiling she was going from. ** **"mummy... what's going on..."

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Freedom, Allies and Confrontation

The sharptooth had a dark brown hide and pallid beak, in the fingers of his right hand there was a ring with the symbol of the order. he looked straight at chomper with his yellow eyes and then a smile formed in his beak.

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On The Twelfth Day of Kinkmas

He caught a reflection of himself, an illusion so small even he didn't recognise himself were it not for flash of blue of his mane and tail, contrasting against the pallid yellows and golds of his fur.

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Cut A Fat Hog

He had taken his rings off for a reason, rolled up his sleeves, as he dipped one paw into the can and scooped liberally, the pallid white solid mashing between his fingers.

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