Seth vs Adaeze 1

Not only that, but he has psionic abilities instead of magical. t: oooh, tik tik want know more about psionics. h: there are a few psychics here in this tournament already.

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Reunion: Chapter 9

He tried to think of any unit that he may have heard about other than dog catchers that would have been trained to deal with psionics. he couldn't think of any.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 19

"fo-" indy's hand whipped up and he shot a small ball of psionic energy right at the mercenary's head, splattering it like chunky salsa.


Pandora's Templar - Chapter 26

With the changing of my clan's mood i ended the song as ieesha bade the dragon weyr to open the doors of the psionic therapy chamber.

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Os-Nadarra Earth Glossary

Believing that it was the psionic predator himself, volcan called the others, and once more pavan was the first to arrive.


Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 1

psionic energy didn't come from nowhere of course. kathari actually created psionic energy from personal experience and emotion.

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Breeding the Queen, Part 2: Taming the Hydralisk

The protoss race--gifted in psionics but lacking the ability to vocalize--communicated almost exclusively through telepathy. the templar had made landfall just prior, and although she couldn't see him, her psionically-tuned mind could feel his presence.

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From Defeat Comes Victory (7/7)

Lorkosi continued as he continued to pour his own psionic energy to keep the other alien frozen in place while picking him up by the throat.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 16

He gasped as he was drawn down to the bed, though still supported by psionic energy, and a new muzzle swallowed his shaft.

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AMCA - Did Sybelle have sex?

The psionic leakage was affecting me severely and techs that came into my core region were fair game for trying to convince. my methodology was a bit too..." the computer paused for a moment. "... brash, i would say."

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 22

Of manifested psionic lightning from my hands.

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