Storm of Heart and Spring

I can hear the mighty voice of the clouds rumbling throughout the land as i lay there in a bed of flowers enjoying their sweet scent that escapes between the raindrops.

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Rain in The meadows (Twokinds snippet)

As she wrestled with this, the light flickered and moved through a crack in the glass frying a few raindrops on the way out. then it hovered quietly in the air, like a trapped animal let out of its cage for the first time. oh. magic.

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The Great Outdoors

More raindrops fell, getting through the leaves and hitting his face as he went, causing him to turn his gaze downwards so he could still see.

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Two Pets for a Grizzly 01: The deal

He felt a raindrop. "i saw a cave ahead, we should rest there before moving on." he then moved ahead. "come, **slaves."** _slaves. _that what they both were now, they were this bear's property.

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Kobold in a field (Otherwise Untitled)

With the arrival of raindrops, it was safe to cry. none would be able to see her tears, and the dull rumble of thunder in the distance would drown out her sobs.

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Eternal Rain

Standing within the lukewarm raindrops which do not cease, i feel my will, and even the strength to live fade because of your tears someday, the value of everything will begin to look cruel, and so, i pray to the setting sun...

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Easing the Tension

Above the clear, if not simple, message was an image of a back with several hands on it, the chalk drawing ruined by some errant raindrops.

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To Be Mother and Father (happy ending)

The raindrops drizzling on the leaves almost reminded her of.. of... she grimaced and reached a hand down to stroke her damp folds.

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To Be Mother and Father (sad ending)

The raindrops drizzling on the leaves almost reminded her of.. of... she grimaced and reached a hand down to stroke her damp folds.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 37

Those must be raindrops on his face. sarah stepped beneath the reaching branches, and it was as if the whole atmosphere suddenly changed. the raindrops became fewer, but larger, dripping down from the leaves above.

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Failed Escape

What i saw, instead, were the first raindrops as they fell from the ragged sky. that very sky opened up in a massive deluge, drenching everything in a matter of seconds, and i shivered as its misty spray covered me in small cold droplets.

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Wren Ch 2

The raindrops pummeled his head and the wind nearly blew him over. eventually he got to the trunk of the car. luckily, he found the spare tire. he gave a sigh of relief and started to pick it up.

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