New Arrival - Part 1 (Story)

"Bar hopping can be so DREADFUL sometimes..." Sarafe let out a long sigh as she looked up at the neon sign in front of her, which read in bold, obnoxious letters "The Snake's Den". The arctic fox had just moved into town, and with its long days,...

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The Party That Disappeared - FINALE (Vore Story)

The big goat immediately made his way over to the window, casually yanking the curtain aside, expecting to have to jump out of it and start looking for anybody hiding outside. Imagine the goat's surprise when he looked down to see somebody dangling...

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The Fall of Duhey, Chapter One

Even for the most skillful of warriors, life in the times of swords and shields was a dangerous prospect. Mythical beasts that could breath fire as hot as magma, claws that could tear through steel like a fish gliding through the water, and powerful,...

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Deer's Dessert (Vore Story)

Definitely not throbbing against me right now thinking about being my dessert, not at all~" neil continued to taunt as he inched closer, opening his maw up once more right in front of khopesh; though, this time, it was just to give the jackal a long, deep,

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D6] (+2 on intimidation and taunt rolls, +2 on rolls to resist intimidate and taunt) **trademark weapon** [fighting or ranged fighting d10] (bond with a weapon to gain +1 bonus on fighting or ranged fighting) **two-fisted** [ag d8] (attack twice in one


Magical Adventures: A Pungent Encounter

The rat taunted. "you love the feel of my dirty paws on your cock. admit it, bunny." ren let out a whimper, his body betraying him with pleasure.

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Catching a Tiger By his Feet

It was quiet in the auditorium that the drama club used for practicing. There was no practice to be had that day and tasked with cleaning up the auditorium were Bill and Legoshi. Neither of them were the happiest to hear it. Both were expecting to have...

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Bounced (Vore Story)

Amy taunted the doberman, reaching under and lifting up the back of samara's skirt to get a better view of her disappearing the dog up inside of her guts! "hhf...yeah. my advice?

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Wakeup Call (Vore Story)

"Mmh...nuh, iduhwanna gittup..." Keda mumbled those words in his sleep as the world started to shift and move around him, the wolf starting to stir a little bit as his sleep was interrupted...though, by what it was interrupted would be a...

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Night at the Broadway Club (TF/Vore Story)

?Some of the seediest, lewdest things you could imagine happen not behind closed doors, but out in the open where everyone can see and appreciate them...for a price, anyway. The Broadway Club was infamous for this, a strip club where any sort of...

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Free Love, Exile and Rebirth Chapter 2

Aqua bear taunted cruelly as he waved a eagle feather around tauntingly in front of the bear's face as his ears were gently being scratched as aqua bear scratched him underneath the chin once more.

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The Party That Disappeared - Part 4 (Vore Story)

The goat idly walked around the party for a little while more, sipping on another beer as he waited for Kevin to settle a bit more inside of him. Xoury had scoped out quite a few good ball-fillers, so the goat had plenty of options. Would he go for raw...

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