Vor allem anderen

Fragte die trill honigsüß. kathryn war es unangenehm, dass die junge frau bescheid wusste. deshalb hatte sie schon den besuch im quark´s vermieden.

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Birds of a Feather Chapter 1

Zach carefully traced where the edges of the appendages pressed into the feathers on her back, the eagle giving a quiet trill, as if enjoying the attention.

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Ryan's Story Interlude XX

Now--" ryan lifted his head and trilled sharply and athena instantly let go of his wing, stepping back, shaking her head. ryan looked at her, startled, then dove for the dubious protection of his mother.

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A Dragon In Suburbia, Part 3: Showertime Shenanigans

An excited trill sounded out, and kyle laughed as the dragon began to wriggle in his arms.

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Ryan' Story Part XIX

Jarius made a very horrid imitation of the trill, causing ryan to wince. evidently his breed really was the only one that could trill properly. the only thing jarius sorry excuse for a trill would do is get him smashed so if only to shut him up.

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Dragon's Deep

He gave a soft lilting trill. he was concerned about me, i had done something to worry him. i reached up and clasped his horns gently, scratching at the scales that itched him so.

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Dragon Ranch: Grooming Time

The dragon, thinking this to be a game, opened his eyes wide and gave a soft, excited sounding trill.

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Dragon Ranch: Three's a Crowd

Nixi's eyes opened wide as relia trilled and opened her mouth to slip her tongue into the yellowtail's passage. nixi let out a trill and squeezed the tongue firmly with her muscles.

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Tales Of The Crew (U.S.S. Discovery, NCC-91301): Poker Night

T'vrell glanced down with her eyes as if to point it out to the stocky trill. tijon's chip stack was the smallest of all and he was in danger of being cleaned out in one or two hands.

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A Veloic-Raptorous Turn of Events

My voice carried short waves of trilling screeches that grew louder and louder as the climax was shortly built up.

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Acid Armor

In the embrace, the vaporeon trilled warmly and nosed about before starting to pad forward and with a pointed nudge, began to lay the young trainer back.

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Ryan's Story Part XXV

You do not trill to get your way and you never, ever trill at or threat your parents! do you understand me?" ryan whimpered. "sulvius, i wish to have tanner here!" "ryan...he will be along soon." ryan looked down. "promise me."

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