StarFox Universe [R]aid: 04 Renewed Vigor

"we find the student, fox mccloud, though his actions honorable, unfit to currently return to any academy due to recent character misconduct," fox grimaced as he heard these words.

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Ruckus In The Village! [Tofu]

But was only met with some disrespectful hiss so unfitting any samurai. "what is your deal in here, ronin?" the lord would ask without much care for the speaker. "you don't held any clan symbols and i know about your disgrace.

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Guardian Angel (Freebie, 1K Words)

They finally deemed him guilty and unfit to be a guardian angel, tearing out his wings. the pain was excruciating; his screams could be heard all across the heavens, his vision flickering as tendons and bones snapped and tore.

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The Thirteenth Concubine - Chapter one

The next girl in line had her hips surveyed and the concubine declared her unfit to bare a child so she too was eliminated.

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My name is Heartless

I still went by my name and they find it unfitting but i choose to leave it like that. i, to them, was like a wise person. but even i still had my gaps.

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The Human Species - BAD END II: 'Negligence'

Approximately 90% of the population were unfit to handle these new conditions and perished, leaving only the strong to constantly fight each other for food and shelter.

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(Revised Edition) Human Origins Chapter 3: Interest

Even his physique seems unfit for hunting, he's shorter than i am, probably around 5"8 and a rather slim build. compared to my solid 6"0, slightly muscular build, which is actually quite pathetic for my kind, he still looks weaker than me.

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Burdens - Chapter 19: Inconsequential

With the state of their living, it would be unfitting to ask for too many things, as money tended to be incredibly important for their material needs and wants.

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First Furlong

I wouldn't have thought i was as unfit as you," the red mare grumbles, pawing at the earth. "or _un_-fitter. can't you slow down a bit?" "i'm walking, how much slower would you like me to go?"

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Of Noivern Doubt

Kelsey was obviously unfit to partake in any play sylvia could have done with the others, and the noivern would rather have stayed home. "how long is everyone going to be gone for?" she finally asked.

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Wolf Buck - Final Draft

So, now what do you cull - the unfit? because i am very unfit for breeding does.. but what about wolves?" he yelped as a tongue slid across the back of that same ear, while his tail plumed, a log of fire forcing his passage open..

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SxG Side-Stories - Perks of Pregnancy

But it also reminds me that i am a terrible woman, an awful sister, a horrible girlfriend, and completely unfit to be anyone's wife.

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